Giuseppe Fietta

Giuseppe Fietta

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Giuseppe Cardinal Fietta (November 6, 1883—October 1, 1960) was an Italian prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Apostolic Nuncio to Italy from 1953 to 1958, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1958.


Born in Ivrea, Giuseppe Fietta studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and was ordained to the priesthood on November 4, 1906. He then served as private secretary to the bishop of Alghero, Oristano, and Cagliari until 1923. Fietta was raised to the rank of Domestic Prelate of His Holiness on May 9, 1920, and served as the rector of the Seminary of Alghero and a canon of its cathedral chapter from 1923 to 1924, whence he became secretary of the nunciature to Costa Rica. He was later made "chargé d'affaires" of the Costa Rican nunciature in 1925.

On March 30, 1926, Fietta was appointed Titular Archbishop of "Serdica" and, on the following September 27, Internuncio to Central America by Pope Pius XI. He received his episcopal consecration on October 10 of that same year from Giovanni Cardinal Bonzano, with Archbishop Ernesto Piovella and Bishop Agustín Blessing Presinger, CM, serving as co-consecrators, in the church of "Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Castro Pretorio". After being given the status of a nuncio on July 8, 1926, Fietta was later named Nuncio to Haiti and the Dominican Republic on October 18, 1930, Nuncio to Argentina on August 8, 1936, and Nuncio to Italy on January 26, 1953. The Archbishop attempted to have diplomatic relations established between the Vatican and the Soviet Union [TIME Magazine. [,9171,893575,00.html Vatican-Kremlin Relations] September 17, 1956] .

Pope John XXIII created him Cardinal Priest of "S. Paolo alla Regola" in the consistory of December 15, 1958. Fietta resigned his post as the Italian nuncio on that same date. Despite his distinguished career as a papal diplomat, the Cardinal enjoyed strolling the streets of his native Ivrea and playing "bocce" with his friends [TIME Magazine. [,9171,937728,00.html The New Cardinals] December 22, 1958] .

Cardinal Fietta died in his native Ivrea, at age 76, and is buried at its cathedral.


External links

* [ Catholic-Hierarchy]
* [ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church]

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