Giuseppe Mori

Giuseppe Mori

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Giuseppe Cardinal Mori (January 24, 1850—September 30, 1934) was an Italian prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of the Council from 1916 until his death, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1922.


Born in Loro Piceno, Giuseppe Mori studied at the seminary in Fermo and the Pontifical Roman Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood on September 17, 1874, and then did pastoral work in Rome until 1880. Mori was raised to the rank of Honorary Chamberlain of His Holiness on October 4, 1880, and served as a staff member (1885-1903) and the auditor (1903-1908) of the Sacred Congregation of the Council in the Roman Curia.

He later became Undersecretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacraments on October 20, 1908, Auditor of the Roman Rota on February 9, 1909, and Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of the Council on December 8, 1916. As Secretary of the Council, Mori served as the second-highest official of that dicastery successively under Cardinals Francesco di Paola Cassetta, Donato Sbarretti Tazza, and Giulio Serafini.

Pope Pius XI created him Cardinal Deacon of "S. Nicola in Carcere" in the consistory of December 11, 1922. Mori chose to be elevated to a Cardinal Priest (retaining the same titular church) after ten years' standing as a Cardinal Deacon on March 13, 1933. He also served as a judge of the Apostolic Signatura and sat on the committee appointed to rule the Church during the "sede vacante" [TIME Magazine. [,9171,769989,00.html Milestones] October 8, 1934] .

Mori died from heart disease [Ibid.] in his native Loro Piceno, at age 84. He is buried in the chapel of the Loro Piceno cemetery, and his remains were later transferred to his family's tomb.


External links

* [ Catholic-Hierarchy]
* [ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church]

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