PON or Pon can mean:

* PON, the station code for Ponders End railway station in London, England
* Pon, a Yukaghir deity
* Pon, the Gardner's Boy of Jinxland in L. Frank Baum's "The Scarecrow of Oz"
* Pon, a day in the "pasaran" cycle of the Javanese calendar
* Pon, a command to shut down the Point-to-Point Protocol daemon connection
* PoN, abbreviation for "", a videogame
* Pon, a fictional species from the Animorphs fictional universe
* Pon and Zi, an animated character created by Jeff "Azuzephre" Thomas
* "Polski Owczarek Nizinny", Polish for Polish Lowland Sheepdog
* Passive optical network, an optical-fiber network configuration
* Program on Negotiation
* Pump Octane Number of petrol, an octane rating
* Particulate Organic Nitrogen
* Polska Organizacja Narodowa, now called Polish National Organization
* Pekan Olahraga Nasional, the National Games held every four years in Indonesia
* Purchase order number

Pon may also refer to:
* Paraoxonase
* Pon, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a hamlet in France
* "Panel de Pon", the Japanese version of "Tetris Attack"

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