Prameya shloka

Prameya shloka

The Prameya shloka is a Shloka composed by Sri Vyasatirtha, a leading philosopher in the Dvaita school of Vedanta. The shloka summarises the nine basic tenets of Dvaita or Tattvavada [ [ The Nine Tenets of Vedanta] ] , which is a school of philosophy founded by Sri Madhvacharya.

A correct understanding of this shloka is equivalent to obtaining a firm grasp of the fundamental principles of Tattvavada [ [ Prameya Shloka] ] .

The Prameya shloka

The transliteration of the Prameya shloka is:

Sri manmadhvamate hariH parataraH satyaM jagat tattvatO

BedO jIvagaNAH harEranucharAH nIchOcchaBAvaMgatAH

muktirnaijasuKAnuBUtiramalABaktiScha tatsAdhanaM

hyAkSAditritayaM pramANamaKilAmnAyaikavEdyO hariH |

The nine tenets and their translation would be

#hariH parataraH : Hari, or Lord Vishnu is supreme
#satyaM jagat : The world is real
#tattvataH BedaH : The differences are real
#jIvagaNAH harEranucharAH : The various classes of souls are cohorts of Hari
#nIchOcchaBAvaMgatAH : They reach different states (lower or superior) ultimately
#muktirnaijasuKAnuBUtiH : Mukti is the experience of one's own nature
#amalABaktiScha tatsAdhanaM : Mukti is achieved by pure devotion
#AkSAditritayaM pramANam : Observation and others are the sources of knowledge
#aKilAmnAyaikavEdyO hariH : It is Hari alone who is praised in the Vedas


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