

Veniero's Pasticceria & Caffé is an Italian bakery that was established in 1894 and is located at 342 East 11th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenue, in the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. Founded by Antonio Veniero, the bakery was opened as a pool emporium and caffé where Veniero served his baked products to customers. The demand for his pastries and cakes won him awards in Rome, Bologna and the New York World's Fair. The bakery has been continuously owned and operated by the Veniero family since its founding. [ [ Untitled Document ] ]

Veniero's is famous for its traditional and regional Italian confections, including handmade Italian butter cookies, biscotti, cannoli, sfogliatelle, tiramisù, and its New York staple cheesecake. [ [ Welcome to Veniero's Pastry Shop ] ]

Veniero's was featured in the first New York City episode of Food Network's Road Tasted. [ [,2857,FOOD_26716_44998,00.html TV : Road Tasted : New York—"Forgettaboutit!" : Food Network ] ]


External links

* [ Veniero's Company Website]
* [ Interview with Robert from Veniero's Pasticceria] on YouTube
* [,2857,FOOD_26716_44998,00.html Road Tasted episode]
* [ In Cheesecake City, a Quest for the Best] , New York Times
* [, At Those Little Food Shops, Holiday Lines Are Tradition] , New York Times
* [ Veniero's Pasticceria & Caffe'] , Citysearch
* [ Veniero's] , Menu Pages
* [ Veniero's Pastry Shop] , yelp

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