- Stringybark
A stringybark can be any of the many "
Eucalyptus "species which have thick, fibrous bark. Like all eucalypts, stringybarks belong to theMyrtaceae family. In exceptionally fertile locations some stringybark species (in particularMessmate Stringybark ("Eucalyptus obliqua ") can be very large, reaching over 80 metres in height. More typically, stringybarks are medium-sized trees in the 10 to 40 metre range.Early European colonists often used the bark for roofing and walls of huts.
There are many different species of stringybark, including:
* Blue-leaved Stringybark ("
Eucalyptus agglomerata ")
* Brown Stringybark ("Eucalyptus baxteri ,Eucalyptus laevopinea ")
* Mealy Stringybark ("Eucalyptus cephalocarpa ")
* Messmate Stringybark ("Eucalyptus obliqua ")
* Red Stringybark ("Eucalyptus macrorhyncha ")
* Yellow Stringybark ("Eucalyptus acmenoides ", "Eucalyptus muelleriana ", "Eucalyptus umbra ")
* Thin-leaved Stringybark ("Eucalyptus eugenioides ")
* White Stringybark ("Eucalyptus globoidea ")Studies have shown that Blue-leaved Stringybark is one of the 20-odd eucalypts preferred by
Koala s.
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