Paul Debevec

Paul Debevec

Paul Debevec is a researcher in computer graphics at the University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies. He is best known for his pioneering work in high dynamic range imaging and image-based modelling and rendering.

Debevec received his Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley in 1996; his thesis research was in photogrammetry, or the recovery of the 3D shape of an object from a collection of still photographs taken from various angles. In 1997 he and a team of students produced " [ The Campanile Movie] " (1997), a virtual flyby of UC Berkeley's famous Campanile tower. Debevec's more recent research has included methods for recording real-world illumination for use in computer graphics; a number of novel inventions for recording ambient and incident light have resulted from the work of Debevec and his team, including the [ light stage] , of which five or more versions have been constructed, each an evolutionary improvement over the previous.

Techniques based on Debevec's work have been used in several major motion pictures, including "The Matrix" (1999), "Spider-Man 2" (2004), "King Kong" (2005), "Superman Returns" (2006), and "Spider-Man 3" (2007).

In addition Debevec and his team have produced several short films that have premiered at SIGGRAPH's annual Electronic Theater, including " [ Fiat Lux] " (1999) and " [ The Parthenon] " (2004).

External links

* [ Paul Debevec's Home Page]
* [ HDRshop]
* [ Paul Debevec's imdb page]

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