Služba za zaštitu ustavnog poretka
- Služba za zaštitu ustavnog poretka
Služba za zaštitu ustavnog poretka (SZUP) ( _en. Service for the Protection of the Constitutional Order) was Croatia's domestic intelligence and internal security agency. It was for a time was the country's main agency for both internal and foreign intelligence. Following the reorganization of the intelligence community, the SZUP became solely responsible for domestic intelligence and maintains departments responsible for counterintelligence, monitoring political violence and the Balkan Muslim and Serb communities and nations, with whom the Croats had fought against during the Croatian war of independence.
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Спецслужба — Спецслужба[1] структура и (или) деятельность, структурированная (организованная) в соответствии с специальными требованиями. Термин часто используется в узком смысле «специальной службы для организации и ведения разведывательных… … Википедия
Специальная служба — Спецслужба[1] неофициальный (отсутствует в текстах законодательных актов России и иных стран) термин, который со второй половины XX века может использоваться в узком смысле «специальной службы для ведения разведывательных действий»[2] или… … Википедия
Croatian intelligence community — The Croatian intelligence community consists of various intelligence agencies responsible for foreign intelligence gathering, military intelligence, counterintelligence and internal security in Croatia. The community of intelligence agencies,… … Wikipedia
Croatian security and intelligence system — The core of the security and intelligence system of the Republic of Croatia consists of two security and intelligence agencies: Security and Intelligence Agency (Croatian: Sigurnosno obavještajna agencija or SOA), and Military Security and… … Wikipedia