- The Baronial Order of Magna Charta
The Baronial Order of Magna Charta ("BOMC") is a scholarly, charitable, and lineage society founded in 1898. The BOMC was originally named The Baronial Order of
Runnemede , but the name was subsequently changed to better reflect the organization's purposes relating to theMagna Charta and the promulgation of "freedom of man under the rule of law."Profile
The BOMC is a
Pennsylvania 501(c)3 corporation with research, charitable, and educational purposes. Among other things, the BOMC, and the related Magna Charta Research Foundation, seek to "encourage the study and practice of the Magna Charta, within its historical context, and the evolution of its meaning as represented in the concepts of self-determination and the rule of law." Towards this end, the BOMC preserves documents and literature relating to the Magna Charta, sponsors scholarships and educational programs, and works with the Magna Charta Trust in the United Kingdom in furtherance of that organization's preservational and educational goals. Notably, since 1993, the BOMC has held a seat on the Board of Trustees of the Magna Charta Trust.Membership Requirements
Membership in the BOMC may be extended to men and women of good moral character who can establish through genealogical proofs (i.e., primary or acceptable secondary sources) their descent from one of the twenty five Magna Charta Surety
Barons :*William d'Albini, Lord of
Belvoir Castle .
*Roger Bigod,Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk.
*Hugh Bigod, Heir to the Earldoms of Norfolk and Suffolk.
*Henry de Bohun,Earl of Hereford .
*Richard de Clare,Earl of Hertford .
*Gilbert de Clare, heir to the earldom of Hertford.
*John FitzRobert , Lord ofWarkworth Castle .
*Robert Fitzwalter , Lord ofDunmow Castle .
*William de Fortibus,Earl of Albemarle .
*William Hardell , **Mayor of theCity of London .
*William de Huntingfield ,Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk .
*John de Lacie, Lord ofPontefract Castle .
*William de Lanvallei , Lord ofStandway Castle .
*William Malet, Sheriff ofSomerset andDorset .
*Geoffrey de Mandeville,Earl of Essex and Gloucester.
*William Marshall Jr, heir to the earldom of Pembroke.
*Roger de Montbegon , Lord ofHornby Castle, Lancashire .
*Richard de Montfichet , Baron.
*William de Mowbray, Lord ofAxholme Castle .
*Richard de Percy , Baron.
*Saire/Saher de Quincey,Earl of Winchester .
*Robert de Roos, Lord ofHamlake Castle .
*Geoffrey de Saye , Baron.
*Robert de Vere, heir to the earldom of Oxford.
*Eustace de Vesci , Lord ofAlnwick Castle .Descendants of the following non-Surety supporters of the Magna Charta are also candidates for membership in the BOMC: William III d'Aubigny, Hubert de Burgh, Alan of Galloway, William Marshall, Sr., and William IV de Warenne. Membership may also be considered for individuals of good moral character who, while not descended from a surety or non-surety supporter, have an interest in the purposes of the BOMC.
The BOMC maintains a partial list of "gateway" immigrants who descend from Magna Charta Barons. Many of these individuals and their descendants played significant roles in the history of the United States. For example,
George Washington 's family descend from William d'Albini, Lord ofBelvoir Castle .Notable Members and Award Recipients
Among others, members of the BOMC have included: Frederick H. Winston, diplomat and founder of the law firm
Winston & Strawn ; Charles W. Darling, Assistant Secretary of the Navy;William S. Sessions , Federal Judge and Director of the FBI;Hugh Scott , U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania;Dorsey B. Hardeman , influential Texas politician; and,Martin W. Clement , 20th century railroad magnate. Recipients of the BOMC's Magna Charta Day Award include SirWinston Churchill , GeneralDouglas MacArthur , PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower , and Masters of The Rolls of England Lords Donaldson and Woolf.References
* [http://www.magnacharta.com/ BOMC Home Page]
* Stinson, David V., ed., "Magna Charta in America". Baltimore: Gateway Press, Inc., 1993 (a project of the BOMC and the Magna Charta Research Foundation)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.