- Joan Hamburg
Joan Hamburg is a radio personality, broadcasting for station WOR, 710 AM, in
New York since the early 1970s. She grew up onLong Island and attendedBarnard College before embarking on an advertising career. [ cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C00EFD91338F933A15754C0A961958260|title=The New York Times|work="And You Should See the Lobster Salad at $42 a Pound"|accessdate=2007-12-20] Hamburg started her radio broadcasting with small consumer (bargain shopping) segments on the long-running "Rambling With Gambling" morning show, eventually earning her own show.Hamburg is extremely celebrity, society, and show-business-conscious, and now bills herself as "America's foremost shopper and celebrity interviewer." The orientation of her broadcasts has shifted dramatically over the years to the latter emphasis. cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C05EEDA1039F93AA35754C0A9669C8B63|title=New York Times|work="New York Radio's Folksy Powerhouse"|accessdate=2007-12-18]
Carol Channing , a regular listener, once called Joan Hamburg "The Yellow Pages of The World". Though she may take calls dealing with consumer problems (defective product, bad service, etc.), her consumer help now focuses mostly on finding the "right" restaurant, show, or vacation, whereas in her earlier years, it was often about finding good discounts on particular items, or finding a great store with great prices. cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE6D7163AF934A15751C0A962958260|title=New York Times|work="Making it Work;The Shopper's Friend"|accessdate=2007-12-18|] The highlights from Hamburg’s daily show are put together for a two-hour nationally syndicated weekend show, distributed by the WOR Radio Network. [ cite web|url=http://wor710.com/pages/58073.php?|title=wor710.com|work="WOR Radio Network Announces "The Joan Hamburg Show" Syndicated Nationally"|accessdate=2007-12-18]Joan frequently broadcasts from her favorite places instead of a studio --
Sardi's ,the Hamptons ,Canyon Ranch ,The Villages, Florida [ cite web|url=http://www.thevillagesdailysun.com/articles/2007/12/10/news/news03.txt|title=The Villages Daily Sun|work="Joan Hamburg Show will broadcast live from Lake Sumter Landing"|accessdate=2007-12-18] and so on. She works closely with her production staff to provide a seamless "I can find anything for you" expertise, sometimes discernible in a drawn-out "let me see" pause.
Her son is screenwriterJohn Hamburg ("Meet The Parents ", "Meet The Fockers " and "Along Came Polly )". [ cite web|url=http://www.forward.com/articles/4168/|title=The Jewish Daily Forward|work="Meet the Man Who Gave Film Audiences ‘The Fockers’"|accessdate=2007-12-18]References
External links
* [http://wor710.com/pages/40946.php? Joan Hamburg's bio on WOR Radio.]
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