Castello di Petroia

Castello di Petroia

The Castle of Petroia is near the istorical city of Gubbio in Umbria, today the Castle is an Hotel.

A very important historical date is to be remembered. The 7 June 1422, the very young Elisabetta degli Accomandugi, gave birth to Federico da Montefeltro, who later on became Duke of Urbino.


The origins of the Castle of Petroia are to be found between the IX° and X° century, when the free city, such as Gubbio, built fortified constructions and Castles to protect their cities and territories.The Castle of Petroia exists already in the year 1073, as we can see from a document regarding a deed of gift: " mansum in curte Petroij".In 1257 a few feudal subordinates rose against Gubbio and submitted their Castles to Perugia. On the 7 May 1257 Ugolino, count of Coccorano submitted the Castle of Petroia.On the 24 March of 1384 count Antonio da Montefeltro submitted to Gubbio and became Lord of the city. Gubbio ends its existence as a free town. was annexed to the Duchy of Urbino and so it will remain for many centuries.

A very important historical date is to be remembered when talking about the Castle of Petroia. The 7 June 1422, the very young Elisabetta degli Accomandugi, daughter of Guidopaolo and niece of Matteo, gave birth to Federico, who later on became Duke of Urbino.Elisabetta, lady companion of Rengrda, Duchesse of Urbino, had her son from an adulterous relation with Rengarda's husband, Guidobaldo da Montefeltro. From the severe walls of Petroia starts one of the most fascinating stories of a man that illuminated the XV° century and the Italian Renaissance.

Reading the history of Castel of Petroia, we can find the story of the families that lived and owned the Castle and the feud:

* The 5° of September 1396 the Count Galasso da Montefeltro bought Castle and lands of Petroia.
* The 14° of April 1414 Matteo degli Accomandugi di Urbino purchased Petroia
* In 1458 freehold estate were hereditated from Elisabetta, and the feudal titles were given to Ugolino dei Bardi until the 3° generation.
* In 1487 Guidobaldo da Montefeltro gave the castle and it's land to Alessandro Reggeri di Canossa. The property stayed with this family 4 generations (after Alessandro, the son Bonifacio, the grandson Orazio, and the great grandson Camilla).
* In 1617 Camilla di Canossa, who did not have children, gave it to the Monte di Pietà of Reggio Emilia (a charity institution).
* The 8° of May 1629 the Monte di Pietà sold to the Ugolini family of Gubbio; the price was 6.200 scudi.
* From 1823 Castle and land belonged to Benvenduti family of Gubbio.
* In 1909 (the Good Friday) the Castle and all of its land were bought by David Sagrini. This family has still the property.


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