

Chembox new
ImageFile = Tetraborane-3D-balls.png ImageSize = 200px
ImageName = ball-and-stick model of tetraborane
OtherNames =
IUPACName =tetraborane(10)
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 18283-93-7

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = B4H10
MolarMass = 53.3263 g/mol
Density = 2.3 kg m-3 (gas)
Solvent = other solvents
SolubleOther =
MeltingPt =-121°C
BoilingPt =18°C

Tetraborane, or to be more precise tetraborane(10) or "arachno"-B4H10, is a foul-smelling toxic gas. The structure of tetraborane is based around a tetrahedral arrangement of boron atoms, and can be derived from PSEPT. It forms interesting coordinate bonds with trifluorophosphine.


External links

* [http://osulibrary.orst.edu/specialcollections/rnb/23/23-184.html Linus Pauling's Research notebook]

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