Piruz Dilenchi

Piruz Dilenchi

Pirouz Dilanchi ( _az. Piruz Dilənçi) is a building engineer. He was born in Tehran, Iran on the 16th of May 1965 to Azeri parents. When he was 14, his first book was published in PersianFact|date=March 2007. During the period of his life in the town where he was born, he wrote eight books in Persian and Azerbaijani.Fact|date=March 2007 His scientific, literary, social, and political articles have been published around the world, in publications such as “Keyhan” and “Ettelaat” in Iran.Fact|date=March 2007 At the age of 17, he won the literary competition held among Iranian youth and was honoured with the name “Iran’s exemplary youth”Fact|date=March 2007

He was arrested and tortured for his views and for participating in left wing organizations by the Iranian government after the revolution. He fled to Azerbaijan SSR in 1990 to escape persecutionFact|date=March 2007

In spite of the fact that he was not allowed to live in the Soviet Azerbaijan at the time, he was given "a person without citizenship status" by the KGB after appeals and solicitations by Azerbaijani writers Anar, Nariman Hasanzade, Mammad Araz, and Nabi Khazri.

In 1991, he created a section in the newspaper “Literature and art” named “Literary Tabriz”, which was included in every issue for a year. Later, at the initiative of Pirouz Dilanchi, a number of programs with names such as “Araz-South literature” and “Shahriyar-South literature” were shown on Azerbaijan State Television.

Pirouz Dilanchi is the writer of nearly 100 songsFact|date=March 2007. He was one of the founders of the South Azerbaijan National Liberation Movement in 1991 [ [http://www.unhcr.org/home/RSDCOI/3df4be444.html UNHCR - Iran: The death of Dr. Mohammad Taghi (Taqi) Zehtabi in December 1998 and the situation of other leaders of the Azerbaijan (Azeri) national movement ] ] and was the leader of this organization from 1994 to 1999. Dilanchi became the first assistant of the Central Committee of this organization while at the same time being appointed as the chairman of Baku Committee, which he holds to this day.

Dilanchi collected about 3000 signatures in 2000 and suggested his candidacy to the Azerbaijan Republic Parliament in order to participate in the next election. His candidacy was officially registered but was denied before the elections by pressure from the mafia responsible for elections. Central Elections Committee ignored the registered candidacy of Dilanchi, citing unfair and contradicting pretexts.

Dilanchi was kidnapped by an unknown group in front of his house on 5th of December in 2002. As a result of pressure, the media kept his location secret for 21 days, however, the Press Secretary of the Internal Affairs Ministry declared that he was in jail. After being kept some weeks in underground and cold camera under moral and physical cruelty, P.Dilanchi was sent to Shuvalan prison. After 38 days in prison, having been arrested without reason, he was allowed to be transferred to house arrest. After three months, he was freed.

Currently he lives in Vancouver, Canada.



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