- Glycosuria
Glycosuria or glucosuria is an abnormal condition of
osmotic diuresis due to excretion ofglucose by the kidneys.The most common cause of glycosuria is untreated
diabetes mellitus . This disease raises plasma glucose levels far above normal, and beyond a certain threshold, the excess glucose is excreted by the kidneys, taking water with it and producing diuresis. The threshold varies somewhat from one individual to another, with values around 8.9 - 10 mmol/l (160 - 180 mg/dl) [ [http://www.diavant.com/diavant/CMSFront.html;jsessionid=C8366EE728C8D6DD8CC5FC70AB1CEA56?pgid=1,9,8,1 diavant.com - Glucose - Medical Background] ] . As a reference, thenormal blood value of fasting glucose is around 3.9 - 5.8 mmol/l (70 - 105 mg/dl).This point is called the renal threshold of glucose (RTG) [http://www.mendosa.com/www-2aida-org/explain.htm#10 AIDA on-line' Explanations] ] . Some people, especially children and pregnant women, may have a low RTG (less than ~7 mmol/L glucose in blood to have glucosuria).
If the RTG is so low that even normal blood glucose levels produce the condition, it is referred to as "
renal glycosuria ."Glucose in urine can be identified by benedicts qualitative test.
ee also
Renal glycosuria
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