- Steven A. Orszag
Steven A. Orszag is the Percey F. Smith Professor Mathematics [http://www.yale.edu/opa/v29.n10/story7.html] at
Yale University . He previously was the Forrest E. Hamrick Professor of Engineering atPrinceton University (1984-98) and Professor of Applied Mathematics at MIT (1967-84). He received his B.S. in Mathematics from MIT, his Ph.D. from Princeton in Astrophysics, and was a Member of theInstitute for Advanced Study . He has won numerous awards including Sloan and [http://www.gf.org/ofellow.html Guggenheim] Fellowships, the AIAA Fluid and Plasmadynamics Award, the Otto Laporte Award of the American Physical Society, and the G. I. Taylor Medal of the SES.Orszag specializes in
fluid dynamics , especially turbulence,computational physics and mathematics, electronic chip manufacturing, computer storage system design, and other topics involvingscientific computing .Orszag also co-authored with
Carl M. Bender the text [http://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Mathematical-Methods-Scientists-Engineers/dp/0387989315 "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory"] , which is considered a standard text on mathematical methods for scientists.He and his wife Reba have three sons: Michael, Peter, and Jonathan.
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