FECRIS (Fédération européenne des centres de recherche et d’information sur le sectarisme) - "European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism" - is a French non-profit association, founded in
Paris onJune 30 1994.FECRIS federates different
Europe an associations concerned with sectarian or cultic mouvements, and it describes itself as "politically, philosophically and religiously neutral".FECRIS has been granted Consultative Status (recently called Participatory Status) with the
Council of Europe .Friedrich Griess, a catholic laytheologian of Austria, is the actual president.
* "Aktion fur geistige und psychische freiheit E.V." (AGPFeV)
* "Seketen Beratung Bremen"
* "Niedersachische elterninitiative gegen den missbrauch der religion" (EGMR)
* "Sekten-info essen" (SIE);Austria
* "Gesellschaft gegen sekten und kult gefahren";Belgium
* "Vereniging ter verediging van persoon en gezin" (VVPS)
* "Contacts et Informations sur les Groupes Sectaires" (CIGS);Spain
* "Assesoramento informacion sobre sectas" (ais);France
* "Centre contre les manipulations mentales|Centre de documentation, d'éducation & d'action contre les manipulations mentales - centreRoger Ikor " (CCMM)
* "Union nationale des associations de défense des familles et de l'individu" (UNADFI)
* "Groupe d'étude des mouvements de pensee en vue de la prévention des individus" (GEMPPI);Great Britain
* "Cult Information Centre " (CIC)
* "FAIR"Family Action Information Resource ;Italy
* "ARIS Veneto";Poland
* "Ruch obrony rodziny i jednostky polish family association" (RORIJ)
* "Polish Family Association";Sweden
* "Föreningen Rädda Individen" (FRI);Switzerland
* "Schweizerische arbeitgemeinschaft destruktive kulte" (SADK)
* "Association suisse pour la defense de la famille & de l'individu" (ASDFI)ee also
Anti-cult movement External links
* [http://www.fecris.org/ Official site]
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