TUBMAN (W. V. S.) — TUBMAN WILLIAM VACANARAT SCHADRACH (1895 1971) Fils d’un colon émigré de Georgie en 1834, William Tubman fait des études de droit et devient avocat en 1917. Collecteur d’impôts, puis professeur pendant une brève période, il sert ensuite dans la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tubman — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Harriet Tubman (1820–1913), US amerikanische Abolitionistin, Großmutter William S. Tubmans William S. Tubman (1895–1971), liberianischer Präsident Winston Tubman (* 1941), liberianischer Politiker … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tubman — [ tʌbmən], William Vacanarat Shadrach, liberianischer Politiker, * Harper 29. 11. 1895, ✝ London 23. 7. 1971; aus »amerikoliberianischer« Familie stammend; Jurist, ab 1923 politisch aktiv in der Einheitspartei »True Whig Party«, 1937… … Universal-Lexikon
Tubman — Tub man, n.; pl. {Tubmen}. (Eng. Law) One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer. Cf. {Postman}, 2. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tubman — Tubman, William Vacanarath Shadrach … Enciclopedia Universal
Tubman — (William Vacanarat Shadrat) (1895 1971) homme d état libérien. Président du Liberia de 1941 à sa mort, il sut unir l ensemble des peuples libériens … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tubman — [tub′mən] 1. Harriet 1820? 1913; U.S. abolitionist 2. William V(acanarat) S(hadrach) 1895 1971; president of Liberia (1944 71) … English World dictionary
Tubman — n. family name; Harriet Tubman (1821 1913), Black female antislavery activist who helped slaves escape to the north via the Underground Railroad and acted as a spy for the northern army during the Civil War … English contemporary dictionary
Tubman — noun United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820 1913) • Syn: ↑Harriet Tubman • Instance Hypernyms: ↑abolitionist … Useful english dictionary
Tubman,William Vacanarat Shadrach — Tubman, William Vacanarat Shadrach. 1895 1971. Liberian politician. As president of Liberia (1944 1971) he modernized the country and maintained a close relationship with the United States. * * * … Universalium