- Mountain and moorland
Mountain and moorland or M&M is a generic term which covers several breeds of
horse native to theBritish Isles .It is also a showing term which covers classes for British native
pony breeds (usually excluding the Welsh breeds. Mountain and moorland classes are divided into two subsections, small breeds and large breeds. Horses and ponies are shown in the relevant section regardless of the individual animal's size. They are overseen by the relevant breed society, and by theBritish Show Pony Society .Mountain and moorland breeds
Small breeds
Shetland pony
*Exmoor pony
*Dartmoor pony Large breeds
Connemara pony
* Highland pony
* Dales pony
*Fell pony
*New Forest pony Welsh pony rules
Welsh ponies often have their own classes, and are excluded from mountain and moorland classes. However, where this is not the case, Welsh section A and Welsh section B ponies are classed under the small breeds category, and Welsh section C and Welsh section D (Welsh cob) ponies are classed under the large breeds category.
howing mountain and moorland ponies
Mountain and moorland ponies should be shown in their "native" state, and are not trimmed or plaited (braided) .In reality a little light trimming is commonplace, for example to show off the fine head of the Connemara, and Welsh ponies often have their manes pulled to a length of about six inches. In some cases, trimming is necessary - if a small breeds pony's
tail was left to grow unchecked it would become matted with mud and the pony could stand on it, potentially causing injury to itself or its rider.Bridle s should be plain and workmanlike, without coloured browbands or embellishments. Adouble bridle or apelham bit is used in open classes, while asnaffle is used in novice classes.Rider dress
Riders should wear
tweed jackets, canary or buffbreeches , shirt and tie, plain gloves and a navy hat. Adult riders on large breed ponies should wear long boots with garter straps. Adult riders on small breed ponies may choose whether to wear long boots or johdpur boots. Children should always wear johdpur boots. Show canes or plain leatherwhip s are carried.The use of
spur s is forbidden in all mountain and moorland classes.Part-bred classes
Many shows hold classes for part bred mountain and moorland horses and ponies. In this instance, the horse should be turned out according to type - for example hunter pony or riding pony.
* [http://www.britishshowponysociety.co.uk British Show Pony Society website]
* [http://www.hamletshouse.co.uk/ The Native Pony Enthusiasts Community]External links
* [http://www.shetlandponystudbooksociety.co.uk/ Shetland Pony Stud Book Society]
* [http://www.exmoorponysociety.org.uk/ Exmoor Pony Society]
* [http://www.dartmoorponysociety.com Dartmoor Pony Society]
* [http://www.britishconnemaras.co.uk/ British Connemara Society]
* [http://www.highlandponysociety.com Highland Pony Society]
* [http://www.dalespony.org Dales Pony Society] -
* [http://www.fellponysociety.org Fell Pony Society]
* [http://www.newforestpony.com/ The New Forest Pony Breeding Society]
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