Jerónimo Xavierre

Jerónimo Xavierre

Jerónimo Xavierre (Zaragoza, 1546 - Valladolid, September 8, 1608) was a Spanish Dominican theologian.

He was born the third son of the seven children of the family Zavierre-Perez de Caseda. At the age of 16, he felt called to take the habit of the Dominicans in 1562. After spending ten years in the School and General Study of Tortosa, as a student and then as a professor, he returned to his land towards the end of 1575.

In 1578, he was sworn in the position of consultant to the Holy Office in his city. In 1579, he reacived the title of Presented in Sacred Theology. From 1581, he was University Professor of Theology and worked untiringly for the definitive institutionalization of the University of Zaragoza. During the following years, he alternated his university work with the charge of prior of the preachers of Zaragoza. He also collaborated directly to the foundation of the School of Saint Vincent Ferrer.

In 1600, he was elected provincial prior of Aragon, but the following year he was elected master general of his order. He worked as a trainer and reformer in the religious life, did theological work on the question of de auxiliis, promoted the Order in the West Indies, and propulsor of the liturgy and the history of the Order.

On December 10, 1607, he received the cardinal's hat, but never went to Rome to receive the red biretta and the title.

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