

Kuiji 窺基 (632-682 CE), an exponent of Yogācāra, was a Chinese monk and a prominent disciple of Xuanzang. [Lusthaus, Dan (undated). "Quick Overview of the Faxiang School" 法相宗. Source: [http://www.acmuller.net/yogacara/schools/faxiang.html] (accessed: December 12, 2007)]

Kuiji's commentaries on the "Cheng weishi lun" and his original treatise on Yogācāra, the "Fayuan yilin chang" 大乘法苑義林章 ("Essays on the Forest of Meanings in the Mahāyāna Dharma Garden" became foundations of the Weishi or Faxiang School. [Lusthaus, Dan (undated). "Quick Overview of the Faxiang School" 法相宗. Source: [http://www.acmuller.net/yogacara/schools/faxiang.html] (accessed: December 12, 2007)]

The Faxiang School consider Kuiji to be their first patriarch. [Lusthaus, Dan (undated). "Quick Overview of the Faxiang School" 法相宗. Source: [http://www.acmuller.net/yogacara/schools/faxiang.html] (accessed: December 12, 2007)]



*Amitābha and Maitreya Sūtras
*Diamond Sūtra
*Heart Sūtra (般若波羅蜜多心經幽贊)
*Lotus Sūtra (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra)(妙法蓮華經玄贊)
*Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra (說無垢稱經疏)

Buddhist logic

*Buddhist logic ( 因明入正理論疏)

Commentaries specific to Yogacara

*Madhyāntavibhāga ( 辯中邊論述記)
*Sthiramati's Commentary on Asaṅga's Abhidharmasamuccaya (雜集論述記)
*Vasubandhu's Twenty Verses (Viṃśatikā)(唯識二十論述記)
*Vasubandhu's One Hundred Dharmas Treatise ( 大乘百法明門論解)
*Yogācārabhūmi ( 瑜伽師地論略纂)



*Lusthaus, Dan (undated). "Quick Overview of the Faxiang School" 法相宗. Source: [http://www.acmuller.net/yogacara/schools/faxiang.html] (accessed: December 12, 2007)

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