acropachy — n.; see thyroid acropachy … The new mediacal dictionary
acropachy — SYN: hereditary clubbing. [acro + G. pachys, thick] * * * acro·pa·chy ak rō .pak ē, ə kräp ə kē n, pl pa·chies OSTEOARTHROPATHY * * * ac·ro·pachy (akґro pak″e) clubbing … Medical dictionary
acropachy — ac·ro·pachy … English syllables
acropachy — ˈakrōˌpakē, əˈkräpəkē noun ( es) Etymology: Greek akropachēs thick at the end (from akr acr + pachēs, from pachys thick) + English y : osteoarthropathy … Useful english dictionary
thyroid acropachy — a rarely seen but well documented alteration in the shape of the nails resembling clubbing but unique to Graves s disease (see thyrotoxicosis). It is often associated with formation of new bone seen on X rays of the hands and wrists, which is… … Medical dictionary
thyroid acropachy — a rarely seen but well documented alteration in the shape of the nails resembling clubbing but unique to Graves disease (see thyrotoxicosis). It is often associated with formation of new bone seen on X rays of the hands and wrists, which is said… … The new mediacal dictionary
Periosteal reaction — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = 31520 ICD10 = ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = A periosteal reaction is the formation of new bone in response to injury or other stimuli of the… … Wikipedia
clubbing — A condition affecting the fingers and toes in which proliferation of distal soft tissues, especially the nail beds, results in thickening and widening of the extremities of the digits; the nails are abnormally curved nail beds excessively… … Medical dictionary
osteoarthropathy — A disorder affecting bones and joints. [osteo + G. arthron, joint, + pathos, suffering] hypertrophic pulmonary o. expansion of the distal ends, or the entire shafts, of the long bones, sometimes with erosions of the articular cartilages and… … Medical dictionary
Nail clubbing — Clubbing Clubbing of the fingernail. The red line shows the outline of a clubbed nail. ICD 10 R68.3 ICD 9 … Wikipedia