

:"Brahe may also refer to the German name of the Brda river in Poland."

Brahe (originally "Bragde") is the name of a Scanian noble family that was influential in both Danish and Swedish history but has its family roots in Swedish origin. The first member of the family is speculated to have been Verner Braghde from Halland."Store Danske Encyklopædi, CD-ROM edition, entry "Brahe", 2004." da icon] Better documented is Peder Braghe to Gyllebo who appears in late 14th century records. He fathered two sons, Axel and Thorkild. What later became the Danish branch decended from Axel and what later became the Swedish, decended from Thorkild's daughter.

Per Brahe was in 1561 granted dignity as a count by Eric XIV of Sweden and in 1620 was the family introduced on the Swedish "Riddarhuset" (House of Knights) as the first counts. The family died out in 1930, after which the foremost comital family became Lewenhaupt.

Notable members

The Danish family

*Otte Brahe (1517-1571): nobleman, governor and member of the Rigsraad
*Tycho Brahe (1546-1601): nobleman, astronomer, astrologer and alchemist
*Sophia Brahe (1556-1643): horticulturalist, healer, historian and astronomer

The Swedish family

* Per Brahe the Elder (1520-1590): statesman
** Erik Brahe (1552-1614)
** Gustaf Brahe (1558-1615), "riksrad" of Sweden -loyal to king Sigismund- and later, Polish general.
** Magnus Brahe (1564-1633)
***Ebba Brahe (1596-1674): lady-in-waiting and mistress of future king Gustavus Adolphus, wife of Jakob De la Gardie
**Abraham Brahe (1577-1650)
***Per Brahe the Younger (1602-1680): soldier and statesman, Governor General of Finland, Drost of the Realm
***Nils Brahe (1604-1632): general in the Swedish army
****Nils Brahe (1633-1699)
*Erik Brahe (1722-1756): politician of the court party, failed with a coup d'état to reestablish the absolute monarchy and was executed.
*Magnus Fredrik Brahe (1756-1826),
**Magnus Brahe (1790-1844): Marchal of the Realm and the right hand man of Charles XIV John


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