Gibson Lake (Indiana)

Gibson Lake (Indiana)

Infobox lake
lake_name = Gibson Lake
image_lake =
caption_lake =
image_bathymetry =
caption_bathymetry =
location = Gibson Generating Station, Montgomery Township, Indiana
coords = coord|38.35|N|87.76|W|region:US-IN_type:waterbody|display=inline,title
type = reservoir (cooling pond)
inflow = Mc Carthy Ditch, Patoka River
outflow = Wabash River
catchment =
basin_countries = United States
length = convert|1.5|mi|km|abbr=on
width = convert|2|mi|km|abbr=on
area = convert|3490|acre|ha|abbr=on
depth = convert|20|ft|m|abbr=on
max-depth = convert|24|ft|m|abbr=on
volume = convert|7100000000|USgal|km3|abbr=on|lk=on
residence_time = 2 weeks
shore = convert|6|mi|km|abbr=on (includes the central splitter dike)
elevation = convert|350|ft|m|abbr=on
islands = none
cities = Mount Carmel, Illinois (2 miles NW of the lake)
frozen = never

Gibson Lake is the cooling pond for Duke Energy Indiana's Gibson Generating Station. Measuring at around 3,500 acres, it is the largest lake in Indiana built completely above ground, its shores consisting of rock levees on all but two of the lake's six sides both of which were also built up to build the power plant. Opened to fishing in 1978, Gibson Lake had been a prime source of bass and several types of catfish, bluegill, and carp. The lake was closed to fishing in 2007, due to elevated levels of selenium found in the water of the lake. [ [ Gibson Lake Will Not Reopen for Fishing April 1 - Duke Energy ] ] The only entrance to Gibson Lake is the lake's boat ramp, located due southeast of the plant on Gibson County Road 975 South.

Gibson Lake, due to it never getting colder than convert|60|F|C|abbr=on, caused by the very hot outflows from the main plant's boilers, is known to produce a little dusting of snow every now and then.


The Gibson Lake and the rest of the Gibson Generating Station complex is home to several species of birds.

They Include:

* Red-throated Loon
* Pacific Loon
* Eared Grebe
* Red-necked Grebe
* Western Grebe
* American White Pelican
* Brown Pelican
* Plegadis ibis
* Snowy Egret
* Ross's Goose
* Wood Stork
* White-faced Ibis
* Glossy Ibis
* Black-Bellied Whistling-duck
* White-winged Scoter
* Surf Scoter
* Oldsquaw
* Golden Eagle
* Peregrine Falcon
* Wild Turkey
* King Rail
* Piping Plover
* American Avocet
* Black-necked Stilt
* Whimbrel
* Marbled Godwit
* Hudsonian Godwit
* Purple Sandpiper
* Red Knot
* Red Phalarope
* Laughing Gull
* Little Gull
* Sabine's Gull
* Glaucous Gull
* Iceland Gull
* Thayer's Gull
* Lesser Black-backed Gull
* Pomarine Jaeger
* Parasitic Jaeger
* Swainson's Hawk
* Gyrfalcon
* Snowy Owl
* Le Conte's Sparrow
* Henslow's Sparrow

* Many of these birds use the area as a stop-over on their respective destinations.

[ [ Gibson Lake - Indiana Birding Guide ] ]

pecialty Species

*Least Terns - breed at Gibson Lake and Cane Ridge and may be seen anytime between mid-May and late August or early September.

*Bald Eagles - are common during the winter and are usually encountered on a drive around the levee. They nest in the area.


The lake temperature never falls below convert|60|F|C|abbr=on, due mainly to the Main Plant's boiler discharges.


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