HMS Daring (1874)

HMS Daring (1874)

HMS "Daring" was a 4-gun "Fantome" class sloop of the Royal Navy.


"Daring" was constructed of an iron frame sheathed with teak and copper (hence 'composite'), and powered by both sails and a single-screw steam engine.


"Daring" served on the Pacific and China Stations, working some of the time for the Canadian Government, including conducting hydrography, for which the Canadian Government bore half the cost. In Spring 1861 she carried Joseph Howe (the Provincial Secretary at the time) to the mouth of the Tangier River in Halifax County, Nova Scotia. There he arranged to have law and order restored by carving the gold diggings into appropriately sized lots, and offering them for rental for $40. ["Joseph Howe: The Briton Becomes Canadian, 1848-1873", J Murray Beck, ISBN 0773504478, p149] In 1877 Commander John Hammer RN made a sketch survey of the Skeena River entrance from "Daring".cite web|url=|title=British Columbia Archives|accessdate=2008-05-29] She was sold to a Mr J Cohen in 1889 and broken up.


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