Comme d'habitude

Comme d'habitude

"Comme dhabitude" (French for As usual) is a French song written in 1967 by Claude François and Jacques Revaux with lyrics by Claude François and Gilles Thibaut.

Originally titled "For Me" with lyrics in English, the song was initially refused by numerous artists (most notably Michel Sardou), until Hervé Vilard finally agreed to record it. However, Revaux was not satisfied with Vilard's version of the song and approached Claude François to record it. François accepted but asked that an underlying theme of a couple in a strained relationship be included, in reference to his recent breakup with fellow French singer France Gall. Revaux agreed and with some rewriting from Gilles Thibaut the song became "Comme d'habitude" and was released by François in 1968.

Paul Anka, after hearing the song while watching French television in Paris, got the rights to it for free[1] for his American production company. After rewriting with English lyricsunrelated to the originalFrank Sinatra recorded a cross-Atlantic version of it in 1969 under the title "My Way". "Comme d'habitude" has reputedly been recorded in more languages, by more artists than any other song in contemporary music history.

The tune of "Comme d'habitude" is also the musical basis for a song David Bowie wrote in 1968, but never recorded, called "Even a Fool Learns to Love". Bowie had previously been asked to write English lyrics to "Comme d'habitude" by his manager Tony Defriesthe year before Paul Anka acquired the French songbut declined, believing there was no commercial or artistic merit in the project.

"Comme d'habitude" was also covered by Florent Pagny in 1989 and released as a single in France.


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  • Comme d’habitude — Comme d habitude ist ein französisches Chanson von Claude François, Jacques Revaux und Gilles Thibault aus dem Jahre 1967. Mit einem von Paul Anka 1968 geschriebenen englischen Text wurde es unter dem Titel My Way durch Frank Sinatra weltbekannt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Comme D'habitude — Comme d’habitude est une chanson composée en 1967 par Claude François et Jacques Revaux avec des paroles par Claude François et Gilles Thibaut. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Bibliographie 2.1 Essai …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Comme d'habitude — Chanson par Claude François Sortie Novembre 1967 Durée 4 min 12 Genre Chanson française Format Super 45 tours Parolier …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • habitude — nf., manie : ABITUDA (Aix, Albanais.001, Annecy, Arvillard, Gets.227, Giettaz.215, Montagny Bozel, Reyvroz, St Pierre Alb., Saxel.002, Tignes.141, Villards Thônes), abiteudo (St Martin Porte) ; fé <fait> nm. (001,002). E. : Adonner (s ),… …   Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard

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  • hab\ comme\ d' — habitude [ abityd ] n. f. • XIVe « complexion »; lat. habitudo « manière d être » I ♦ Vx Complexion, constitution d un être. ⇒ habitus. II ♦ 1 ♦ Manière de se comporter, d agir, individuelle, fréquemment répétée. « Ce qui forme les habitudes, ce… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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