

Kynos is an ancient settlement site with finds of the Bronze and Early Iron Age,which was discovered on the edge of the town of Livanates in Central Greece. The archaeological site is thus also referred to as Pyrgos Livanaton. The coastal site, overlooking the Euripos and neighbouring Euboea, has been identified with the city of Kynos, mentioned in the Homeric catalogue of ships ("Il". II 531-533.)

The site was excavated between 1985 and 1995 by the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in Lamia.The findings of these excavations have so far only been made known in preliminary reports. [See e.g. Ph. Dakoronia, 'The Transition from Late Helladic IIIC to the Early Iron Age at Kynos.', in LHIIIC Chronology and Synchronisms. Proceedings of the international workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, May 7th and 8th, 2001, ed. S. Deger-Jalkotzy and M. Zavadil, Vienna 2003, pp. 37-51, with earlier references.]

Kynos, like nearby Mitrou, Kalapodi, Elateia, and Lefkandi, shows continuous occupation throughout the transition from the Mycenaean palatial period to the Early Iron Age.


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