W. F. Turner

W. F. Turner

W. F. Turner was a United States Democratic elector from Alabama during United States presidential election, 1956.

He is remembered as a faithless elector. Although he pledged to vote for Democratic ticket - Presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson and his running-mate Estes Kefauver, he cast his presidential vote on December 17, 1956 [ [http://www.ourcampaigns.com/CandidateDetail.html?CandidateID=107692 Our Campaigns - Candidate - W. F. Turner ] ] for circuit court judge from his hometown, Walter B. Jones, totally unknown outside his area. However he voted for well-known United States Senator from Georgia Herman Talmadge for Vice President.

Turner later commented about his decision: "I have fulfilled my obligations to the people of Alabama. I'm talking about the white people", a comment which suggested that he opposed Stevenson and Kefauver, who were liberal on civil rights (unlike Jones and Senator Talmadge, known for his pro-segregationist stance) [ [http://www.cnn.com/interactive/allpolitics/0012/electors/print.html CNN.com - Electors: Frequently Asked Questions ] ] .


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