The ASME Medal

The ASME Medal

The ASME Medal, established in 1929, is the highest award [Dawson, Virginia P., 1996, 'Knowledge Is Power: E. G. Bailey and the Invention and Marketing of the Bailey Boiler Meter', in Technology and Culture, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jul., 1996), pp. 493-526] bestowed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. One medal is awarded annually to recognize “eminently distinguished engineering achievement.” [ [ The ASME Medal - Society Awards ] ]

The medal, inscribed with the words "What is not yet, may be." ['The American Engineer' volume 14, 1944-1945, p.24] , is awarded with a $15,000 prize.

List of Recipients

* 1921: Hjalmar G. Carlson
* 1922: Frederick A. Halsey
* 1923: John R. Freeman
* 1926: Robert Andrews Millikan
* 1927: Wilfred Lewis
* 1928: Julian Kennedy
* 1930: W. L. R. Emmet
* 1931: Albert Kinsbury
* 1933: Ambrose Swasey
* 1934: Willis H. Carrier
* 1935: Charles T. Main
* 1936: Edward Bausch
* 1937: Edward P. Bullard
* 1938: Stephen J. Pigott
* 1939: James E. Gleason
* 1940: Charles F. Kettering
* 1941: Theodore von Karman
* 1942: Ervin G. Bailey
* 1943: Lewis K. Sillcox
* 1944: Edward G. Budd
* 1945: William F. Durand
* 1946: Morris E. Leeds
* 1947: Paul W. Kiefer
* 1948: Frederick G. Keys
* 1949: Fred L. Dornbrook
* 1950: Harvey C. Knowles
* 1951: Glenn B. Warren
* 1952: Nevin E. Funk
* 1953: Crosby Field
* 1954: E. Burnley Powell
* 1955: Granville M. Read
* 1956: Harry F. Vickers
* 1957: L.M.K. Boelter
* 1958: Wilbur H. Armacost
* 1959: Martin Frisch
* 1960: C. Richard Soderberg
* 1962: Philip Sporn
* 1963: Igor I. Sikorsky
* 1964: Alan Howard
* 1998: Frank Kreith
* 1965: Johannes M. Burgers
* 1967: Mayo D. Hersey
* 1968: Samuel C. Collins
* 1969: Lloyd H. Donnell
* 1970: Robert Rowe Gilruth
* 1971: Horace Smart Beattie
* 1972: Waloddi Weibull
* 1973: Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.
* 1974: Nicholas J. Hoff
* 1975: Maxime A. Faget
* 1976: Raymond D. Mindlin
* 1977: Robert W. Mann
* 1979: Jacob P. Den Hartog
* 1981: Robert S. Hahn
* 1983: Jack N. Binns, Sr.
* 1984: Aaron Cohen
* 1985: Milton C. Shaw
* 1986: Orlan W. Boston
* 1987: Philip G. Hodge, Jr.
* 1988: Eric Reissner
* 1989: William R. Sears
* 1990: Harley A. Wilhelm
* 1992: Daniel C. Drucker
* 1993: Richard H. Gallagher
* 1996: Robert C. Dean, Jr.
* 1997: Bernard Budiansky
* 1999: H. Norman Abramson
* 2000: Arther E. Bergles
* 2001: Warren M. Rohsenow
* 2002: Leroy S. "Skip" Fletcher
* 2003: Norman R. Augustine
* 2004: Bradford W. Parkinson
* 2005: Robert E. Uhrig
* 2006: Richard J. Goldstein
* 2007: Dean L. Kamen


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