

fossil_range = Jurassic or Cretaceous
name = "Regnellites nagashimae"

image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Pteridophyta
classis = Pteridopsida
ordo = Salviniales
familia = Marsileaceae
genus = "Regnellites" †
genus_authority =
species = "R. nagashimae" †
binomial = "Regnellites nagashimae"
binomial_authority =

"Regnellites nagashimae" is the oldest known fossil belonging to the fern family Marsileaceae. It comes from rocks of the Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous of Japan.cite journal| last= Yamada | first=Toshihiro | coauthors = Masahiro Kato | year=2002 | title="Regnellites nagashimae" gen. et sp. nov., the Oldest Macrofossil of Marsileaceae, from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of Western Japan | journal=International journal of Plant Science | volume=163 | issue=5 | pages=715–723 | doi=10.1086/342036 ] The fossils include leaves with visible veins, as well as sporocarps.


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