- János Zádori
János Zádori,
Ecclesiastical writer, born at Katloez, County of Neutra,Hungary on6 March ,1831 ; died at Gran,30 December ,1887 . He studied at the Pazmaneum of theUniversity of Vienna . His favourite branches weremodern language s,literature , and thenatural sciences . Ordained priest in December, 1854, he waschaplain at Balassa-Gyarmat for ten years, and from 1864 to the end of his life taughtdogma tic theology at the archiepiscopalseminary at Gran. He was a member of the metropolitan chapter and a domestic prelate ofLeo XIII . He declined an appointment to the See of Neusohl. Thirty-eight of his works have appeared in print, among them some of a devotional character and memorialsermon s, one on Count Stephen Széchényi. His principal works are: "A társadolom alapoloci" (The fundamental principles of human society),Budapest , 1864, in which he develops the ideas of Lacordaire and others against modern errors; "Utivázlatok Oloszorszagbol" (Sketches of Italy), Budapest, 1867; "A rimai katakombák" (The Roman catcombs), with 19 plates, Budapest, 1868; "Spanyol út" (Journey through Spain), Budapest, 1868; "IX Pius pápa élete" (Life of Pius IX), Gran, 1869; "A Jesus Szive ajtatossázanak története, mivolta, hittani alapja" (The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, its nature, history, and theological foundation), Gran, 1878; "Szus Mária szeplötelen sivének" (The veneration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), Gran, 1879; "Szent Peter ket levele" (The two letters of St. Peter), Budapest, 1881, for which he received great praise from the theological faculty at Gran; "Syntagma theologiae fundamentalis", Gran, 1882 (see "Theol. Quartalschrift", Tübingen, 1887, 691, and "Zeitschrift für kath. Theol.", Innsbruck, 1884, 584). From 1870-1886 he edited thetheological magazine "Uj magyar Sion" (New Hungarian Sion).
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