Base isolation

Base isolation

Base Isolation, also known as "Seismic" or "Base Isolation System", is a collection of structural elements which should substantially decouple a superstructure from its substructure resting on a shaking ground thus protecting a building or non-building structure's integrity.

Base Isolation is the most powerful tool of the earthquake engineering pertaining to the passive structural vibration control technologies. It is meant to enable a building or non-building structure to survive a potentially devastating seismic impact through a proper initial design or subsequent modifications. In some cases, application of Base Isolation can raise both a structure's seismic performance and its seismic sustainability considerably.

"Base Isolation System" consists of "Isolation Units" with or without "Isolation Components", where:

1. "Isolation Units" are the basic elements of "Base Isolation System" which are intended to provide the mentioned decoupling effect to a building or non-building structure.

2. "Isolation Components" are the connections between "Isolation Units" and their parts having no decoupling effect of their own.

By their response to an earthquake impact, all "Isolation Units" may be divided into two basic categories: "Shear Units" [ [ Lead Rubber Bearing being tested at the UCSD Caltrans-SRMD facility] ] and "Sliding Units" [ [ Hybrid Simulation of Base Isolated Structures] ] . The first evidence of architects using the principle of Base Isolation for earthquake protection was discovered in

s around the buildings, as well as making provisions against overturning and P-delta effect.

Base Isolation as a basic component of earthquake engineering structures can be also used for a valuable reinforcement of "Dispensable Structural System" [ [ Sails-Rigging Blast Protective Structural Shield, SEAINT] ] "for Blast Debris Protection" [ [ Terrorist Blast Protection: Dispensable Structural System Reinforced with Earthquake Buffer, ASCE] ] .

Analytical research software called Earthquake Performance Evaluation Tool (EPET), which is publicly accessible online, enables concurrent virtual experiments on the building models "with" and "without" Base Isolation.

ee also

*Earthquake engineering structures
*Earthquake Protector


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