- Pinchas Biberfeld
Pinchas Paul Biberfeld (
October 31 1915 inBerlin –January 23 1999 inLondon , England) was aRabbi inGermany andIsrael .Childhood
Rabbi Pinchas Paul Biberfeld was born on
October 31 ,1915 inBerlin . His father, Dr. Chaim Eduard Biberfeld (1864-1939), a famous Rabbi and physician, was a co-founder of the Israelitische Krankenheim (Jewish hospital) inBerlin .Life
Biberfeld completed his rabbinical studies at the
Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary (Rabbiner Seminar für das Orthodoxe Judenthum) inBerlin where he received hisSmicha from Dr. Jechiel Weinberg. After his family was forced to leaveGermany in 1939 Biberfeld immigrated toPalestine viaTriest andHaifa . In the same year his father died after a longstanding illness. InPalestine he continued his studies at theYeshivot ofKol Torah and Hebron inJerusalem , before marrying the daughter of Zvi Aryeh Twersky, Rebbe of Zlatipol-Chortkov.In the 1950s Rabbi Biberfeld founded the still functioning
Kollel Zlatipol-Chortkov inTel-Aviv , where he served as Rosh-Kollel for 30 years. Moreover he was a publisher of the rabbinic journal "Hane'eman", printingresponsa of distinguished rabbinical scholars and his own novel insights. Rabbi Biberfeld also edited the Hebrew edition of his father's classical manual about the laws of the Sabbath ("Die Sabbath Vorschriften") under the Hebrew Title "Menuchoh Nechaunoh", which has been reprinted several times.In 1984 Rabbi Biberfeld succeeded Rabbi Hans Isaak Grünewald in
Munich "American Jewish Year Book 1984"] . During the ten years as Chief Rabbi ofMunich (Oberrabbiner der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde München) he profoundly influenced Jewish life inGermany , especially by redefining the rabbi's role as the foremost authority within the community.After a sudden deterioration of his health in 1998 he spend the last months with his son, Rabbi Chaim Michoel Biberfeld, rabbi of Tottenham and leader of the Chortkov Hassidic dynasty in
London where he died onJanuary 23 ,1999 . He is buried at the Jewish cemetery on theMount of Olives inJerusalem .Publications
A short list of Rabbi Biberfeld's writings in German:
* Es führt ein mühsamer Weg ans Licht, Jüdische Zeitung,April 6 ,1987
* Altes und neues Wunder, Jüdische Zeitung,April 1 ,1988
* Eine Nacht, die anders ist, Jüdische Zeitung, April, 9 1990
* Die zehn Plagen, Münchner Jüdische Gemeindezeitung, Heft 22,March 29 ,1993 ources
* [http://www.dokuarchiv.com/ Archive of Jewish culture and history, Chaim Frank, Munich]
External links
* [http://www.hagalil.com/archiv/99/02/rabbiner.htm Interview with Rabbi Biberfeld with Chaim Frank (German)]
* [http://www.hagalil.com/archiv/99/02/biberfeld.htm obituary by Chaim Frank (German)]
* [http://www.hagalil.com/judentum/koscher/biberfeld.htm Rabbi Biberfeld - Kashrut]
* [http://www.hagalil.com/judentum/biberfeld/pessach-1.htm Midrash for Pessah]
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