People's Liberation Army invasion of Tibet (1950–1951)

People's Liberation Army invasion of Tibet (19501951)

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=People's Liberation Army Invasion of Tibet (1950-1951)

* Decisive Chinese Military victory.
* Signing of the Seventeen Point Agreement which integrated Tibet to the People's Republic of ChinaGoldstein 1989, p812-813] succeeding the ROC government.
combatant1=. "See" Goldstein, M.C., [ "The Snow Lion and the Dragon"] , p20]
strength2=40,000Laird 2006, pp. 301-307]
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) defeated the Tibetan army in a war at Chamdo on October 7 1950. This attack marked the beginning of Beijings campaign to integrate Tibet into People's Republic of China. This operation is called a peaceful liberation of Tibet by the PRC government [ [ Peaceful Liberation of Tibet] ] [ [ 50 Years In Tibet] ] as the Seventeen Point Agreement was signed by delegates of the 14th Dalai Lama and PRC government affirming Chinese sovereignty over Tibet. It is called an invasion by the Central Tibetan Administration [ [ The Status of Tibet: "At the time of its invasion by troops of the People's Liberation Army of China in 1949, Tibet was an independent state in fact and law...."] ] , the US Congress [US Congressional Concurrent Resolution dated May 21, 1991, "To express the sense of the Congress that Tibet, including those areas incorporated into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai that have historically been a part of Tibet is an occupied country under established principles of international law" ... "Whereas in 1949-50, China launched an armed invasion of Tibet in contravention of international law..."] , military analysts including Jane's, [Jane's 'Intelligence Review', 001122: 'China invaded the country in 1959 and has since been accused of bloody tactics to reduce the indigenous population and ensure it is outnumbered by the Chinese.'] [ [ Reborn supremacy: China's control of Tibetan reincarnation, 21 January 2008: 'Since invading the then-independent Tibet in 1950, Beijing has ensured tight military and political control over the strategically important area.'] ] media sources and NGOs such as the International Commission of Jurists [ [ International Commission of Jurists, June 5 1959, "In 1950 China assured India that China had no intention of incorporating Tibet into China by force or otherwise and was willing to negotiate with Tibet regarding the future relationship of Tibet with China. But a few weeks later the invasion of Tibet took place..."] ] and the Center for World Indigenous Studies [Snellgrove, David L. and Hugh Richardson. "A Cultural History of Tibet", Orchard Press, (c)2003, pg 267] [ [ Missions to Tibet, University of Texas, Dallas, May 29, 2006: "When Communist China invaded Tibet in August 1950...."] ] [Margolis, Eric. "War At The Top Of The World." Routledge, (c)2002 ISBN 978-0415934688] [ [ Global Security: "On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was formally proclaimed in Beijing and the following year launched an armed invasion of Tibet..."] ] [ [ Tibet's Sovereignity and the Tibetan People's Right to Self-Determination, June 1, 1998] ] ["Improving the Human Rights Situation in Tibet." German Bundestag parliamentary resolution, Bonn, Germany, 20 June, 1996] [ [ Richter, Conrad. "Tibetan Response to China's White on Tibet." Center for World Indigenous Studies, Olympia, WA, 1999] ] as the defeated Tibet had little choice but to sign the agreement.

Instances exist, however, when the PRC government gained support from a portion of the Tibetan population, including monastic leadersGoldstein 1989, pp. 683-687] , monks [Ford, R. W., "Wind between the Worlds", p178, saying: ' "There was no sacking of monasteries at this time. On the contrary, the Chinese took great care not to cause offense through ignorance. They soon had the monks thanking the gods for their deliverance." '] , nobilityGrunfeld 1996, pg. 115, saying: ' "By most accounts there were some Tibetans who were pleased to see the Han in Tibet. Peter Aufschneiter told British diplomats in Kathmandu that ordinary Tibetans liked the Han because they were honest and they distributed land. Among the younger generation of the nobility it was seen as an opportunity to make some positive changes." '] Grunfeld, 1996, pg. 127, saying ' "When the communists first arrived in Lhasa, only a few of the aristocracy joined them enthusiastically. In Kham, however, the upper classes welcomed them as potential liberators from the strongly disliked Lhasan officials." '] and ordinary Tibetans prior to the crackdown in 1959. The PRC government and some Tibetan leaders characterize PLA's operation as a peaceful liberation of Tibetans from a "feudal serfdom system." [ " [] ." "人民解放軍和平解放西藏." ] " [] ." "Full Text of Speech By Chinese President Hu Jintao at Tibet's Peaceful Liberation Anniversary Rally]


The People's Liberation Army first entered eastern Tibet (Chamdo) on October 7 1950. The highly mobile units of the PLA quickly surrounded the outnumbered Tibetan forces, and by October 19 1950, 5,000 Tibetan troops had surrendered. After confiscating their weapons, the PLA soldiers gave their prisoners lectures on socialism, and a small amount of money, and allowed them to return to their homes.

The PLA then continued on to central Tibet, but halted its advance 200km to the east of Lhasa, at what China claimed was the "de jure" boundary of Tibet [Li T.T., "Historical Status of Tibet"(New York, Columbia University Press, 1956) saying: "Chamdo is in Kham and outside of Tibet proper. The Chinese Communist army, though it had captured Chamdo, which was considered a part of Sikang, could not be said to have entered Tibet proper"] Rinpoche, Samdhong. Roebert, Donovan. The 14th Dalai Lama. [2006] (2006). Samdhong Rinpoche: Uncompromising Truth for a Compromised World: Tibetan Buddhism and Today's World. World Wisdom, Inc. ISBN 1933316209. pg 116-117] .

Here they stopped and demanded Tibet's "peaceful liberation." The PLA, while possessing overwhelming military advantage, wanted to avoid intervention by other powers such as the USShakya 1999, pp. 33-45] , and was also set on winning the hearts and minds of the Tibetan populace. At first, they treated the local populace very well, building roads, and paying locals for their labor. According to Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama, the PLA did not attack civilians: "The Chinese were very disciplined. They were like the British soldiers (in 1904). Even better than the British, because they distributed some money (to villagers and local leaders). So they carefully planned."

The PLA sent released prisoners (among them Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, a captured governor) to Lhasa to negotiate with the Dalai Lama on the PLA's behalf. The PLA promised that if Tibet was "peacefully liberated", the Tibetan elites would keep their privileges and power. At the same time, Jigme and other released captives testified to their good treatment by the PLA. As the PLA had stopped and was asking for peaceful negotiations instead of entering Lhasa unimpeded, the United Nations unanimously dropped the issue from the agenda. The combination of military pressure, reports of good treatment from locals and released prisoners, and the lack of international support convinced the Tibetan representatives to enter negotiations with the PLA.

Several months later, in May 1951, the Tibetan representatives signed a seventeen-point agreement in Beijing with the PRC's Central People's Government which the Chinese say affirms China's sovereignty over Tibet. The agreement was ratified in Lhasa a few months later. [Gyatso, Tenzin, Dalai Lama XIV, interview, 25 July 1981.] Point 15 of the agreement stated that the Chinese government would set up a military and administrative committee and a military area headquarters in Tibet. PLA troops entered Lhasa peacefully in the fall of 1951. An article released by the Tibetan Government in Exile in 1996 states that the treaty was imposed on Tibet by force and it "was never validly concluded and was rejected by Tibetans" [ [ Invasion and illegal annexation of Tibet: 1949-1951] ] , a position that was supported by a UK parliamentary review. [ [ House of Commons Publications and Records, August 13, 2006] ] [ [ The Status of Tibet] ]

tatistics of casualties


Samdhong Rinpoche, the 14th Dalai Lama, and other Tibetans in exile have accused the PRC government of a campaign of terror which led to the destruction of monasteries and disappearance of up to 1.2 million Tibetans. By 1962 only 70 of the original 2,500 monasteries in the Tibet Autonomous Region were left and 93% of the monks were forced out. The "1.2 million" figure for deaths since 1950 dates to a figure from the Tibetan Government-in-exile which they break down to 433,000 through military action, 343,000 through famine, 173,000 through imprisonment, 157,000 through execution, 93,000 through torture and 9,000 through suicide.Robert McCorquodale, Nicholas Orosz (eds.) "The Posiion of Tibet in International Law", Serindia Publishers."]

The high casualty reported by the Tibetans has been questioned by western scholars. Sinologist Tom Grunfeld finds that the figure is "without documentary evidence."Grunfeld 1996, pg. 247] According to Patrick French, a supporter of the Tibetan cause who was able to view the data and calculations, the estimate is not reliable. French says this total was based on refugee interviews, but when he examined the raw data, he found no names, but "the insertion of seemingly random figures into each section, and constant, unchecked duplication." [Barry Sautman, June Teufel Dreyer, Contemporary Tibet: Politics, Development, And Society In A Disputed Region pp. 239] The book was felt suspicious by Tibetans in exils [ [ The Incredible Weariness of Hope] par Jamyang Norbu] , French estimates that half a million Tibetans died as a result of Chinese policies, "a devastating enough figure, in all conscience, which in no way diminishes the horror of what was done in Tibet." [ [ TIBET, TIBET, A PERSONAL HISTORY OF A LOST LAND By Patrick French] Reviewed by Michael Rank] . Prior to 1950, population figures for Tibet, estimated by the Lhasa government and foreign visitors, generally ranged from 1 to 1.5 million. The official Tibetan census in 1953 only recorded a population of 1,273,969..]

A document allegedly sourced to the PLA claims 87,000 deaths in the 1959-60 period.


Chinese Communist Party perspective

According to the Chinese government, a portion of the population in old Tibet were serfs ("mi ser"), [Goldstein, Melvyn, "An Anthropological Study of the Tibetan Political System", 1968, p. 40] [Rahul, Ram, "The Structure of the Government of Tibet, 16441911", 1962, pp. 26398] bound to land often owned by wealthy Tibetan monasteries and Tibetan aristocrats. This however was untrue of eastern and northeastern two-thirds of Tibet where the nomads owned their own land.Grunfeld 1996, pg. 9] The Chinese government claims that most Tibetans were still serfs in 1951, and have proclaimed that the Tibetan government inhibited the development of Tibet during its self-rule from 1913 to 1959, and opposed any modernization efforts proposed by the Chinese government.Jiawei, Wang, "The Historical Status of China's Tibet", 2000, pp. 1947] Announcements were made via Radio Peking on October 25 to state the troops were there to "free Tibetans from imperialist oppression".Gill, Farrer-Halls. Dalai lama. The World of the Dalai Lama: An Inside Look at his Life, His People and His Vision. [1998] (1998). ISBN 0835607682. pg 30-32] First generation Communist party leaders such as Mao Zedong stated that the decision to unite Tibet into the PRC was done to achieve ethnic " [] ." "Monument to the Peaceful liberation of tibet." Retrieved on 2008-03-18.]

In July 2001 a monument was established to commermorate the event. Beijing says that Tibet was under an uninterrupted series of Chinese governments that has ruled Tibet and China since Genghis Khan.Fact|date=June 2008 In 2005 president Hu Jintao asserted Tibet has been an "inalienable part of Chinese territory" from the time of the Yuan Dynasty conquest onward.Fact|date=September 2008 This has been taught to Chinese students since 1912. (Scholarship outside China generally regards Tibet as having been independent during the Ming Dynasty.)

Sources from the PRC, or supportive of the PRC, are frequently marked by use of the term "serfs" for the common people of Tibet pre-1950, and "feudal serfdom" for Tibet at that time. For a fuller discussion of this term and its political ramifications, see Serfdom in Tibet controversy.

Other perspectives

The UN General Assembly passed resolutions condemning China for "violations of fundamental human rights of the Tibetan people" in 1959, [ [ UN Resolution 1353 (XIV), 21 October 1959] ] 1961 [ [ UN Resolution 1723 (XVI), 20 December 1961] ] and 1965. [ [ UN Resolution 2079 (XX), 18 December 1965] ] German Federal Parliament held hearings on Tibet on June 19 1995, and passed a resolution on June 20 1996 stating they were "deeply concerned that this independent identity has been threatened by destruction since the Chinese action by brutal force of arms in 1950" and that China had deprived the Tibetans of self-determination. ["Improving the Human Rights Situation in Tibet." German Bundestag parliamentary resolution, Bonn, Germany, 20 June, 1996] The US Congressional Human Rights Caucus in 1987 reviewed testimony from Tibetans who detailed human rights abuses, resulting in a congressional motion that condemned Chinese actions in Tibet. [Sanchez, Renee. "Dalai Lama Urges Tibetan Freedom; In D.C. Visit, Exiled Leader Tells China to End `Great Destruction'." "The Washington Post", Sept. 22, 1987] In 2006 a lawsuit was filed by the Madrid-based Committee to Support Tibet in a Spanish court. The group said that more than one million Tibetans had been killed or gone missing since China occupied Tibet in 1951. [ [ "The Independent"] on-line.] "The China Quarterly" notes that there has been "little easing in Chinese repression there nor any improvement in the anti-Chinese attitude of the local population." [ [ Feinerman, James V. "Chinese Participation in the International Legal Order: Rogue Elephant or Team Player?," "The China Quarterly", March 1995] ]


The seventeen-point agreement was initially put into effect in Tibet proper. However, Eastern Kham and Amdo (the provinces of Xikang and Qinghai in the Chinese administrative hierarchy) were outside the administration of the Tibetan government in Lhasa, and were thus treated like any other Chinese province with land redistribution implemented in full -- a peculiar idea given that the Khampas and nomads of Amdo traditionally owned their own land. Unsurprisingly, resistance broke out in Amdo and eastern Kham in June 1956.

By 1957, Kham was in chaos. PLA reprisals against Khampa resistance fighters such as the Chushi Gangdruk became increasingly brutal. They included beatings, starving prisoners, and the rape of prisoners' wives in front of them until they confessed. Monks and nuns were forced to have sex with each other and forcibly renounce their celebacy vows. After torture, these men and women were often killed.Knaus 1999, pg. 134.] By the late 1950s, the number of Tibetan freedom fighters numbered in the tens of thousands. [ Roberts, John. "Inside Story of CIA's Black Hands in Tibet." "The American Spectator", December 1997] ] Kham's monastic networks came to be used by guerilla forces to relay messages and hide rebels.Knaus 1999, pg. 86.]

Lhasa continued to abide by the seventeen point agreement and sent a delegation to Kham to quell the rebellion. After speaking with the rebel leaders, the delegation instead joined the rebellion. [ Chushi Gangdruk] ] Kham did an end run around Lhasa and contacted the CIA directly, but the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under President Dwight D. Eisenhower required an official request from Lhasa to support the rebels. Lhasa did not respond. Finally, the CIA ignored Lhasa's official stance and supplied the rebellion. By then the rebellion had spread to Lhasa which had filled with refugees from Kham.

China's intended "peaceful liberation" of Tibet had gone badly awry. It culminated in the Lhasa uprising on March 10, 1959. Chinese warned and then shelled with artillery a crowd of 30,000 Tibetan civilians who had gathered outside the Dalai Lama's Potala palace. [ Chushi Gangdruk (2)] ] Captured PLA documents estimated the casualties to be as high as 85,000. Under the new Kennedy administration special operations Air Force planes ready to drop supplies and ammunition were ordered to stand by, resulting in the massacre of between six and eight thousand Tibetan resistance fighters. According to the Tibetan Government in Exile tens of thousands of Tibetans were killed in the struggle.Official Website of the Tibetan Government in Exile. [ History Leading up to March 10th 1959] . 7 September 1998. Retrieved March 24 2008.]

The 14th Dalai Lama and other government principals fled to exile in India. Isolated resistance continued in Tibet until 1972 when President Nixon pursued a new policy towards China and withdrew military and financial support. [Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison, "The CIAs Secret War in Tibet", page 247] The month of fighting along the route of the Dalai Lama's escape had virtually decimated the fighters and, according to the CIA, "the backbone of the rebellion had been smashed." According to the rebel leaders they were overrun by the PLA and focused on protecting the route for Tibetan refugees to India.

ee also

* 1959 Tibetan uprising
* History of Tibet
* Tibetan sovereignty debate
* Chushi Gangdruk



*Goldstein, Melvyn C. "A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State" (1989) University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520061408
*Grunfeld, A. Tom. "The Making of Modern Tibet" (1996) East Gate Book. ISBN 978-1563247132
*Knaus, Robert Kenneth. "Orphans of the Cold War: America and the Tibetan Struggle for Survival" (1999) PublicAffairs . ISBN 978-1891620188
*Laird, Thomas. "The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama" (2006) Grove Press. ISBN 0-80211-827-5
*Shakya, Tsering. "The Dragon In The Land Of Snows" (1999) Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-11814-7

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