

French commune
name= Solférino

region= Aquitaine
department= Landes
arrondissement= Arrondissement of Mont-de-Marsan
canton= Canton de Sabres
intercomm= Communauté de communes de la Haute Lande
mayor= Guy Rizzo
mandat= 2001-2008
latitude= 44.1463888889
alt moy= 83 m
alt mini= 74 m
alt maxi= 85 m
km²= 97,83
population= 348
date-population= 1999
dens= 3

Solférino is a small town and commune in the Landes "département", in the Aquitaine "région" of France.

According to INSEE data, its population in 1999 was 348. [fr icon [ INSEE] ]

It was created in 1863 by Napoléon III by uniting several neighboring communities. It is named after the Battle of Solferino.


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