- Green Bunny
"Green Bunny" is a Japanese animation studio that specializes in the production of
hentai OVA s. OnJuly 3rd ,2006 , the official site suddenly disappeared.List of titles by Green Bunny
A Kite (カイト)
*: AYasuomi Umetsu , which has garnered critical acclaim for its serious storyline. A sequel OVA,Kite Liberator , was produced by a different studio.
*Advancer Tina
*Body Transfer
*: "Body Transfer" is based on aneroge title
*Cool Devices
*: "Cool Devices" is an anthology hentai series, including work byYasuomi Umetsu (Yellow Stars, a prototype forA Kite )
*Crimson Climax
*Daiakuji : The Xena Buster
*: "Daiakuji" is based on aneroge title
* Dark Love
* El
*: "El" is based on aneroge title byELF Corporation
*: "G-Taste" is based on a hentai manga artbook series
*Gakuen Maria : Bakunyuu Teachers
*: "Genmukan" is based on aneroge AVG title featuring character designs byTony Taka
*Heritage From Father
*Inma Seiden
*Kowaremono : Fragile Hearts
*: "Kowaremono" is based on aneroge AVG title byELF Corporation
*La Blue Girl Returns
*: "La Blue Girl Returns" is based on the hentaimanga "La Blue Girl"
*Lunatic Night
* Masquerade
*Mezzo Forte
*: AYasuomi Umetsu title set in theA Kite universe. A sequel TV series,Mezzo DSA , was produced by another studio.
*Midnight Panther
*: "Midnight Panther" is based on the eponymoushentai manga
*Moke Moke Taishou Dendou Musume ARISA
* Natural2 DUO
*Orchid Emblem
*Private Psycho Lesson
*Professor Pain
*Pure Mail
*Samurai XXX
*Sex Demon Queen
*: "Sexfriend" is based on aneroge dating sim
*Square of the Moon
* Teacher's Pet
*Tokio Private Police
*Virgin Night
*Words Worth series
*: "Words Worth" is based on aneroge RPG title byELF Corporation
** Words Worth
** Words Worth: Outer Story
*Yakin Byoutou 3
* Zero Sum Game
*Zoku Gosenzo
*Forbidden Love Its an anime relesed by themee also
Pink Pineapple
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