Bunny hop (dance)

Bunny hop (dance)

The bunny hop is a novelty dance that was created at Balboa High School of San Francisco in 1952. [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,817795,00.html "New Pop Records"] , "Time Magazine, January 26, 1953"] It is a social dance mixer, sometimes also referred to as a "party" or "dance party" dance.

The dance has been generally done to Ray Anthony's big band recording of the song. The song has been re-recorded by others, including musical updates of the style, for example, a Salsa version. Duke Ellington recorded "Bunny Hop Mambo" in 1954.

Ray Anthony's single release of the "Bunny Hop" featured another novelty dance classic, the "Hokey Pokey" on the B side.


The dance is a variation on a conga. Participants dance in a line, holding on to the hips of the person in front of them. They tap the floor two times with their right foot, then with their left foot, then they hop forwards, backwards, and finally three hops forward to finish the sequence, which continues throughout the song. The first person in the line leads the group around the floor.

In popular culture

In the season 1 finale of the television show Jericho the Macarena is called the Bunny Hop by Johnston Green.


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