- Panraven
Founded in June 2005, Panraven, Inc. is an online storytelling site based in Cambridge, MA. The company's exclusively online service allows members to organize, store and share all types of media online, as well as to create multimedia stories that capture, share and preserve their memorable life experiences. Stories can also be professionally printed in hard-bound “coffee table” books. The company launched its second-generation platform to the public in June 2007. [ [http://mashable.com/2007/04/23/panraven/ Create and Publish Your Stories With Panraven] -
Mashable April 23 ,2007
* [http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/create_photobooks_with_panraven.php Create Photo Books With Panraven] -Read/WriteWeb ,July 30 2007
* [http://www.cnn.com/2007/TRAVEL/traveltips/08/28/vacation.photos/index.html Taking the kids; Better family vacation photos] -CNN ,Aug. 28 , 2007
* [http://mashable.com/2007/10/26/panraven-universal-mowtown-nelly/ Panraven's Online Scrapbook Used To Promote Nelly's Album] -Mashable ,Oct 26 ,2007
* [http://www.marketingvox.com/archives/2007/10/29/nelly-partners-with-panraven-for-album-hype/ Panraven, Nelly Bring Storybook Dimension To Album Hype] -Marketing Vox ,Oct 29 ,2007
* [http://www.digitalphotopro.com/in-focus/november-2007_2.html New Tools of the Trade] -Digital Photo Pro Magazine ,Nov. 2007]Features
*Media uploading through a web browser or a small desktop application
*Media importing from
Picasa andiPhoto *Media "labeling" for organization, categorization and searching of photos, images, video, audio, and text
*Ready-built content provided by Panraven and contributed by the community, including thousands of point-of-interest photos with accompanying facts and information, maps and illustrations from around the world
*Photo editing and enhancement tools (e.g. zoom, crop, pan, black & white, and sepia)
*Options to share media and stories securely/privately, selectively with friends, or publicly
*Collaboration with other members on stories
*A variety of designed templates and layouts to customize the look & feel and media arrangement within a story
*Ability to embed stories in
Facebook ,MySpace or any web page or blog*Professionally printed hard-bound photobooks
*Ability to mix stock content with user generated content
External links
* [http://www.panraven.com/ Panraven's website]
* [http://www.panraven.com/visitor/VisitorViewStory.epage?sp=Sview&sp=103303 Story of Nelly's 'Wadsyaname' video shoot]
* [http://www.panraven.com/visitor/VisitorViewStory.epage?sp=Sview&sp=102780 Jerry Remy's campaign platform]
* [http://www.panraven.com/visitor/VisitorViewStory.epage?sp=Sview&sp=100082 A Wedding story]
* [http://www.panraven.com/visitor/VisitorViewStory.epage?sp=Sview&sp=100481 A Travel story]
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