HMS St Michael (1669)

HMS St Michael (1669)

HMS "St Michael" was a 90-gun second rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, built by Tippets of Portsmouth Dockyard and launched in 1669.

"St Michael" was rebuilt at Blackwall in 1706, at which time she was also renamed HMS "Marlborough". On 5 April 1725 "Marlborough" was ordered to be taken to pieces and rebuilt at Chatham. She was relaunched on 25 September 1732.

"Marlborough" was reduced to a 68-gun ship in 1752. Whilst making her way back to Britain after participating in the reduction of Havana in 1762, "Marlborough" was caught in very heavy weather. On 29 November her crew were forced to abandon the ship, which was sinking. All of "Marlborough's" crew were taken off by HMS|Antelope|1741|6. [Ships of the Old Navy, "Marlborough".]



*Lavery, Brian (2003) "The Ship of the Line - Volume 1: The development of the battlefleet 1650-1850." Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-252-8.
*Michael Phillips. [ "Marlborough" (96) (1706)] . Michael Phillips' Ships of the Old Navy. Retrieved 6 December 2007.

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