Republikanischer Schutzbund
- Republikanischer Schutzbund
The Republikanischer Schutzbund ( _de. Republican Defense League) was a paramilitary organization established in 1923 by the "Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei Österreichs" (SDAPÖ) ( _de. Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria)[cite web|url= |title=Summary: Republikanischer Schutzbund and the preparations for Civil War |accessdate=30 December |accessyear=2007 |author= |date= |year= |month= |publisher=Österreichs Bundesheer ] to secure power in the face of rising political radicalization after World War I.] Origins & Development
The Republikanischer Schutzbund was one of many paramilitary forces to organize after the fall of the Habsburg Empire, mainly for protection of borders. This one in particular was a branch of the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAPÖ). Its purpose was to defend the party and to maintain the balance of power amidst increasing radicalization of politics in Austria. This includes a good amount of saber rattling between the Schutzbund and the conservative Heimwehr, as encouraged by the SDAPÖ newspaper, the Arbeiter Zeitung [cite web|url=,9171,737932,00.html?promoid=googlep |title= "Rifles at the Ready!"|accessdate=December 5th |accessyear=2007 |author= |date=30 September 1929 |publisher=Time Magazine] .
July Revolt of 1927
On January 30 of 1927, a veterans' group clashed with the Schutzbund, leaving one veteran and one child were killed by the right-wing Heimwehr [cite book
last = Jelavich
first = Barbara
coauthors =
title = Modern Austria : Empire & Republic 1815-1986
publisher = Cambridge University Press
date = 1989
pages = pp. 183
month = December
isbn = 0 521 31625 1 ] . The results of the trial led to the July Revolt of 1927
Austrian Civil War
By June of 1933, Federal Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß banned the Schutzbund, forcing it underground [cite book
last = Lehne
first = Inge
coauthors = Lonnie Johnson
title = Vienna- The Past in the Present
publisher = Österreichischer Bundersverlag Gesellschaft
date = 1985
pages = pp. 134
month = December
isbn = 3-215-05758-1 ] . On February 11th, 1934, the Heimwehr commander in Vienna Emil Fey called for the disarmament of the Schutzbund. Upon raiding Hotel Schiff in Linz, the Linz Schutzbund commander Richard Bernaschek actively resisted, resulting in armed conflict known as the Austrian Civil War [cite book
last = Brook-Shepherd
first = Gordon
coauthors =
title = The Austrians : a thousand-year odyssey
publisher = HarperCollins
date = 1996
pages = pp. 280-281
month = December
isbn = 0 00 638255 X ] .
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Republikanischer Schutzbund — Republikanischer Schutzbund, sozialdemokratischer Wehrverband in der Ersten Republik Österreich, gegründet 1923/24, hervorgegangen aus den Ordnungsabteilungen der Sozialdemokratischen Partei (SP) und den verschiedenen 1918 entstandenen… … Universal-Lexikon
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Schutzbund — ▪ Austrian political organization in full Republikanischer Schutzbund (German: Republican Defense League), paramilitary socialist organization active in Austria between World War I and 1934. Compared with its chief right wing opponent… … Universalium
SCHUTZBUND, REPUBLIKANISCHER — SCHUTZBUND, REPUBLIKANISCHER, Austrian paramilitary organization. The organization was founded in 1922 at the initiative of the Social Democratic Party in opposition to the heimwehr , the right wing paramilitary organization. Its leaders included … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Republican Guard — / Republikanischer Schutzbund The paramilitary arm of the Austrian Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SDAP), the Schutzbund was organized throughout the First Republic in 1923–1924 under the leadership of Julius Deutsch (1884–1968). The… … Historical dictionary of Austria
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Februarkämpfe — Als Österreichischer Bürgerkrieg oder Februarkämpfe 1934 werden bewaffnete Kämpfe bezeichnet, die sich zwischen 12. und 15. Februar 1934 ereigneten und zu mehreren Hundert Toten in vielen österreichischen Industrieorten führten. Gegenüber standen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Skrabal — Josef Skrabal (* 22. Dezember 1892 in Ottnang am Hausruck; † 12. Februar 1934 im Welserstollen bei Eberschwang) war der Anführer des Republikanischen Schutzbundes im Hausruck Kohlerevier und war als solcher im Februar 1934 am Österreichischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia