

Infobox Song
Name = Caramelldansen

Border =
Caption = U-u-uma-uma Maxi Single
Type =
Artist = Caramell
alt Artist =
Album = Supergott
Published =
Released = November 2001
track_no = 1
Recorded =
Genre = Bubblegum dance
Language = Swedish
Length = 2:55
Writer =
Composer =
Label =
Producer =
Tracks =
prev =
prev_no =
next = "Vad Heter Du?"
next_no = 2
Misc = listen
filename = Caramelldansen.ogg
title = "Caramelldansen"
description = "Caramelldansen" chorus (Original Version).|

Audio sample? ="Caramelldansen" (Swedish for The Caramell Dance) is the first track of the album "Supergott" released in November 2001 by the Swedish music group Caramell. It is also a popular Internet meme that began in the second half of 2006 in the Internet community 4chan.

The meme started as a fifteen frame Flash animation loop showing Mai and Mii, characters of the Japanese visual novel "Popotan" (doing a hip swing dance with their hands over their heads imitating rabbit ears), and the chorus of the sped up version of the song "Caramelldansen" sung by Malin and Katia from Swedish music group Caramell. The sped up version of the song is now known as "Caramelldansen Speedycake Remix".

Internet phenomenon


"Popotan" first appeared as a Japanese PC game on December 12, 2002. After the anime was aired from July 17, 2003 to October 2, 2003, [citeweb|url=| title="Popotan" (TV)|publisher=Anime News Network|accessdate=2008-07-25] GIF animations were created from the opening of the anime where Mii is doing a solo dance. This became a loop with sound but was not so popular.Fact|date=July 2008 It was not long before parts from the introduction of the PC game were captured and posted as small GIF animations for people to use. After the second half of 2006, Caramelldansen spread on the Internet from 4chan community to Flash archives and other popular communities such as Hongfire and anime forums.Fact|date=July 2008 Caramelldansen was also referred first as the "Popotan Dance", "Popotan Dansen" or today as the "Uma uma dance"(ウマウマダンス) in Japan.Fact|date=July 2008

As the meme gained popularity, artists and fans started to copy the animation and include other characters performing the dance. The first ones were based only on the GIF animation loop. After Caramelldansen was released, most of the later animations were based on it. Between mid 2007 till early 2008 the Deviantart community was the home for many early Caramelldansen versions before their staff removed them due to copyright violations. Most of the removed versions moved later to YouTube [ [ Youtube collection of Caramelldansen versions.] ] [ [ Youtube collection of Caramelldansen versions 2 (Japanese)] ] , and still are available there. The real boom of the meme began at the end of 2007 in Japan (formally known as the "Uma uma Boom") where an explosion of different Caramelldansen versions appeared first in Japanese video-sharing site Nico Nico Douga [ [ Japanese page Niconico showing a large number of Caramelldansen versions] ] and later reposted in YouTube by the original authors or by fans.


The meme is not limited to the small Flash animation loops. 3D animation shorts have been released performing the dance, and live action videos made by fans. [ [ Caramelldansen Around the World] ] [ [ Caramelldansen at Anime Convention] ] [ [ Miku Hatsune(Vocaloid Mascot) performing caramelldansen] ] [ [ Miku Hatsune performing Caramelldancen for ARToolKit test] ] [ [ Star Wars Storm Trooper doing Caramelldansen in Tokyo] ] As of the beginning of 2008, the popularity of this internet meme (formally known as the "Uma uma Boom") has largely been confined to Japan and to a lesser extent the anime community.

Caramelldansen is known there as "Uma uma dance" (ウマウマダンス), because of the song chorus misheard lyrics (soramimi) of "u-u-ua-ua", ウッーウッーウマウマ (u- u- umauma, "uma" is suggested to mean "yummy", "nice" or "horse" in Japanese). Also part of the misheard lyrics "Dansa med oss, klappa era händer" ("Dance with us, clap your hands") make reference to "Barusamiko-su Yappa irahen de" ("We don't need any Balsamic vinegar after all" in the Kansai dialect) so the song has a different interpretation in Japanese than the original Swedish lyrics. [ [ Video documental of Caramelldansen popularity in Japan.] ]

Caramell's Juha "Millboy" Myllylä, responding to questions posed by the NHK, said that he first learned of the dance on YouTube. When asked if he does the dance himself, he responded, "Yeah, well, the dance is very funny to do, so I used to do [it] every time, I mean in the shower, and I used to learnsic my family and my friends to make them dance. I like it. It's very funny." [cite video |people=Juha "Millboy" Myllylä|date2= |month2=September |year2=2008 |title=The Net Star |url=|format= |medium= |publisher=NHK |location= |accessdate=2008-09-07 |time=7:10 |quote= ]


On April 16 2008, "Caramelldansen" was released in a Japanese album called "Uma uma dekiru toransu wo tsukutte mita" ("Tried to make a trance to uma uma" ウマウマできるトランスを作ってみた), as part of a popular soramimi song compilation. "Caramelldansen" was the first track of the CD, followed by other songs like Ievan Polkka (Loituma Girl). [ [ Uma uma soramimi compilation track list] ] [ [ - Article about Caramelldansen] ] [ [ - Article about uma uma CD] ] [ [ - Article about uma uma CD] ] [ [ - Uma uma CD track list] ] On May 21 2008, the first single dedicated to the Caramelldansen song was released. Called "ウッーウッーウマウマ [Maxi] ", the album includes the original sped up version and six different remixed versions by popular Japanese DJ's. It also contains a new Caramelldansen video. The girls on the CD cover are the anime versions of Malin and Katia, the original singers of the song. [ [ Official page of uma uma cd] ] [ [ QUAKE HOLDINGS INC. Uma Uma cd page] ] On June 18 2008, the album called "ウッーウッーウマウマ()SPEEDアルバム" was released. This 15 track album contains 4 tracks from the Maxi Single plus 11 sped up songs from Caramell band. [ [ Uma uma Speed up track list] ]

An English version of the songretitled "Caramelldancing"—has also been released. []

ee also

* List of Internet phenomena


External links

* [ Official Caramell website]
* [ Uma Uma single and album official website] ja icon
* [ History of the Caramelldansen meme]

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