Egyptian Army

Egyptian Army
Egyptian Army
Flag of the Army of Egypt.svg
Egyptian Army Insignia
Country Arab Republic of Egypt
Egyptian infantry during Operation Bright Star

The Egyptian Army is the largest service branch within the Egyptian Armed Forces and holds power in the current Egyptian government. It is estimated to number around 379,000, in addition to 479,000 reservists for a total of 858,000 strong.[1] The modern army was created in the 1820s, and during the twentieth century has fought four wars with Israel (in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973). Furthermore, in 1991 Egyptian units took part in Operation Desert Storm, the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.



Ottoman and post Ottoman

The modern Egyptian army was formed in the 1830s by Muhammad Ali of Egypt. He sought to split Egypt away from the Ottoman Empire, and to do this he brought in European weapons and expertise and built an army that defeated the Sultan and seized control over Egypt, Syria, and parts of Arabia.[2] The Egyptian Army was involved in the following wars during the Muhammad Ali Dynasty:

But the Europeans intervened on the Sultan's behalf, and following their intercession the Egyptian army languished until Britain took control of Egypt in the 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War. Egypt was involved in the long-running 1881-99 Mahdist War in the Sudan.

King Farouk I of Egypt inspecting small army units in Abdeen Square.


After the defeat of the Egyptian army in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, a revolutionary organization was created secretly by the Egyptian officers under the name of Free Officers Movement. This Free Officers Movement, masterminded by Nasser seized power from King Farouk of Egypt in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. The Free Officers then forced the British troops based in the Suez Canal to leave Egypt in what became known later as Anglo - Egyptian Treaty (1954), marking the end of Britain's military presence in Egypt. During the Cold War, the army actively fought in the 1956 Suez Crisis, the North Yemen Civil War from 1962 to 1967, the 1967 Six Day War, the 1969-1970 War of Attrition, the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and the 1977 Libyan–Egyptian War.

Within three months of sending troops to Yemen in 1962, Nasser realized that this would require a larger commitment than anticipated. By early 1963, he would begin a four-year quest to extricate Egyptian forces from Yemen, using an unsuccessful face-saving mechanism, only to find himself committing more troops. A little less than 5,000 troops were sent in October 1962. Two months later, Egypt had 15,000 regular troops deployed. By late 1963, the number was increased to 36,000; and in late 1964, the number rose to 50,000 Egyptian troops in Yemen. Late 1965 represented the high-water mark of Egyptian troop commitment in Yemen at 55,000 troops, which were broken into 13 infantry regiments of one artillery division, one tank division and several Special Forces as well as paratroop regiments. All the Egyptian field commanders complained of a total lack of topographical maps causing a real problem in the first months of the war.

Sadat and Mubarak

Before the June 1967 War, the army divided its personnel into four regional commands (Suez, Sinai, Nile Delta, and Nile Valley up to the Sudan).[3] The remainder of Egypt's territory, over 75%, was the sole responsibility of the Frontier Corps. After the 1967 debacle, the army was reorganized into two field armies, the Second Army and the Third Army, both of which were stationed in the eastern part of the country.

It has been argued that only the relatively good performance of the Egyptian Army in the 1973 war, especially in the Suez Crossing and in the Battle of Suez, which allowed the Egyptians to claim a level of victory and take part in the 1977 Camp David Accords without losing face. Yet despite the impressive crossing of the Suez Canal (Operation Badr), The army had an estimated strength of 320,000 in 1989. About 180,000 of these were conscripts.[4] Beyond the Second Army and Third Army in the east, most of the remaining troops were stationed in the Nile Delta region, around the upper Nile, and along the Libyan border. These troops were organized into eight military districts. Commando and paratroop units were stationed near Cairo under central control but could be transferred quickly to one of the field armies if needed. District commanders, who generally held the rank of major general, maintained liaison with governors and other civil authorities on matters of domestic security.

Decision making in the army continued to be highly centralized during the 1980s.[4] Officers below brigade level rarely made tactical decisions and required the approval of higher-ranking authorities before they modified any operations. Senior army officers were aware of this situation and began taking steps to encourage initiative at the lower levels of command. A shortage of well-trained enlisted personnel became a serious problem for the army as it adopted increasingly complex weapons systems. Observers estimated in 1986 that 75 percent of all conscripts were illiterate when they entered the military.

Since the 1980s the army has built closer and closer ties with the United States, as evidenced in the bi-annual Operation Bright Star exercises. This cooperation eased integration of the Egyptian Army into the Gulf War coalition of 1990-91, during which the Egyptian II Corps under Maj. Gen. Salah Mohamed Attia Halaby, with 3rd Mechanised Division and 4th Armoured Division, fought as part of the Arab Joint Forces Command North.[5]

The Army conducted Exercise Badr '96 in 1996 in the Sinai.[6] The exercises in the Sinai were part of a larger exercise that involved 35,000 men in total.

Today conscripts without a college degree serve three years as enlisted soldiers.[citation needed] Conscripts with a General Secondary School Degree serve two years as enlisted soldiers. Conscripts with a college degree serve one year as enlisted or three years as a reserve officer.


Under the Ministry of Defence (Egypt) is the Egyptian Military Operations Authority with its headquarters in Cairo.[7] The Egyptian Armed Forces' Chief of Staff's office is in Cairo. He is also chief of staff of the army. Formally, he is also chief of staff of the air force and navy as well, but apparently the commanders of the other two services frequently report directly to the Minister of Defence/Commander-in-Chief.[8] From the Chief of Staff's office are directed three command-and-control headquarters and nine command-and-control field headquarters.

  • Central Military High Command: Heliopolis, Cairo
    • HQ, Central Military Region: Greater Cairo
  • Field HQ, Heliopolis, Central Military Region
    • Field HQ, El Qanater, Central Military Region
      • Sub-Field HQ, Tanta, Central Military Region
      • Sub-Field HQ, Zagazig, Central Military Region
    • Field HQ, Qom Ushim, El Fayum, Central Military Region
    • Field HQ, Beni Suef, Central Military Region

HQ, Northern Military Region: Alexandria

  • Field HQ, Alexandria, Northern Military Region
    • Sub-Field HQ, Abou Qir, Northern Military Region
    • Sub-Field HQ, Mariout, Northern Military Region
  • Field HQ, Rashid, Northern Military Region
  • Field HQ, Damietta, Northern Military Region

HQ, Eastern Military Region: El Suez

  • Field HQ, Port Said, Northern Suez Canal Military Region
  • Field HQ, Ismaelia, Central Suez Canal Military Region
  • Field HQ, El Mansoura, El Sharqueya, Eastern Delta Military Region
  • Field HQ, El Suez, Southern Suez Canal Military Region
  • Field HQ, Cairo-Suez Highway Military Region
  • Field HQ, Hurghada, Red Sea Military Region

HQ, Western Military Region: Mersa Matruh

  • Field HQ, Sidi Barrani, Western Military Region
  • Field HQ, Marsa Alam, Western Military Region
  • Field HQ, Salloum, Western Military Region

HQ, Southern Military Region: Assiut

  • Field HQ, El Menia, Southern Military Region
  • Field HQ, Qena, Southern Military Region
  • Field HQ, Sohag, Southern Military Region
  • Field HQ, Aswan, Southern Military Region

Field armies

  • First Field Army: H.Q. in Cairo (H.Q. Command & 3 field H.Q.)
    • 1st Corps: Field H.Q. In Heliopolis, Cairo, Central Military Region
      • 1 Republican Guard Armoured Division (1st)
      • 1 Independent Mechanized Brigade (24th)
      • 2 Field Artillery Brigades (116th & 117th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (135th)
    • 2nd Corps: Field H.Q. in Alexandria, Northern and Western Military Regions
      • 1 Mechanized Division (6th)
      • 1 Independent Armoured Brigade (18th)
      • 1 Independent Infantry Brigade (218th)
      • 2 Field Artillery Brigades (118th & 119th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (129th)
    • 3rd Corps: Field H.Q. in Assiut, Western and Southern Military Regions
      • 1 Mechanized Division (8th)
      • 1 Independent Armoured Brigade (36th)
      • 2 Field Artillery Brigades (120th & 121st)
      • 1 Air Mobile Brigade (222nd)
  • Second Field Army: H.Q. Ismaelia (H.Q. Command & 3 field H.Q.)
    • 1st Corps: Field H.Q. in Port Said, Northern Suez Canal Military Zone
      • 1 Armoured Division (2nd)
      • 1 Mechanized Division (7th) (former 2nd Infantry Division)
      • 2 Field Artillery Brigades (122nd & 123rd)
      • 1 Paratroops Brigade (412th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (117th)
    • 2nd Corps: Field H.Q. in Ismaelia, Central Suez Canal Military Zone
      • 1 Armoured Division (4th)
      • 1 Mechanized Division (17th)
      • 2 Field Artillery Brigades (124th & 125th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (123rd)
    • 3rd Corps: Field H.Q. in El Mansoura, El Sharqueya, Eastern Delta Military Region
      • 1 Armoured Division (7th)
      • 1 Mechanized Division (19th)
      • 1 Independent Infantry Brigade (219th)
      • 1 Field Artillery Brigades (126th)
      • 1 Heavy Mortar Brigade (815th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (153rd)
  • Third Field Army: H.Q. Suez (H.Q. Command & 3 field H.Q.)
    • 1st Corps: Field H.Q. in Cairo-Suez Highway Military Region
      • 1 Armoured Division (9th)
      • 1 Mechanized Division (23rd)
      • 1 Independent Mechanized Brigade (94th)
      • 1 Field Artillery Brigade (127th)
      • 1 Air Mobile Brigade (224th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (159th)
    • 2nd Corps: Field H.Q. in Suez, Suez Canal Military Zone
      • 1 Mechanized Division (36th)
      • 1 Independent Armoured Brigade (44th)
      • 2 Field Artillery Brigades (128th & 129th)
      • 1 Heavy Mortar Brigade (816th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment(141st)
    • 3rd Corps: Field H.Q. in Hurghada, Red Sea Military Region
      • 1 Mechanized Division (16th)
      • 1 Independent Armoured Brigade (82nd)
      • 2 Independent Mechanized Brigades (110th & 111th (Former 130th Amphibious Brigade))
      • 1 Field Artillery Brigade (130th)
      • 1 Special Forces Regiment (147th)


  • Republican Guard Corps: (1 H.Q. Command)
    • Republican Guard Armoured Division (1st)
      • Republican Guard Armoured Brigade (33rd)
      • Republican Guard Armoured Brigade (35th)
      • Republican Guard Mechanized Brigade (510th)
      • Republican Guard Mechanized Brigade (512th)
  • Tactical Missile Command Corps:
    • 1st and 2nd SSM Brigades
  • Armored Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 3 Field H.Q.)
    • 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 9th Armoured Divisions
    • 18th, 36th, 44th, and 82nd Independent Armoured Brigades
    • 33rd and 35th Republican Guard Armoured Brigades
  • Mechanized Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 3 Field H.Q.)
    • Mechanized Division (6th)
    • Mechanized Division (7th)
    • Mechanized Division (8th)
    • Mechanized Division (16th)
    • Mechanized Division (17th)
    • Mechanized Division (19th)
    • Mechanized Division (23rd)
    • Mechanized Division (36th)
    • Independent Mechanized Brigade (24th)
    • Independent Mechanized Brigade (94th)
    • Independent Mechanized Brigade (110th)
    • Independent Mechanized Brigade (111th) (former 130th Amphibious Brigade)
    • Republican Guard Mechanized Brigade (510th)
    • Republican Guard Mechanized Brigade (512th)
  • Infantry Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 2 Field H.Q.)
    • Independent Infantry Brigade (218th)
    • Independent Infantry Brigade (219th)
    • ATGW Brigade (33rd)
    • ATGW Brigade (44th)
    • ATGW Brigade (55th)
    • ATGW Brigade (66th)
    • ATGW Brigade (77th)
    • ATGW Brigade (88th)
  • Artillery Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 3 Field H.Q.)
    • Republican Guard's S/P Field Artillery Brigade (10th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (101st)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (102nd)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (103rd)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (104th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (105th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (106th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (107th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (108th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (109th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (111th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (113th)
    • S/P Field Artillery Brigade (115th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (116th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (117th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (118th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (119th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (120th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (121st)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (122nd)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (123rd)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (124th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (125th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (126th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (127th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (128th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (129th)
    • Field Artillery Brigade (130th)
    • Heavy Mortar Brigade (815th)
    • Heavy Mortar Brigade (816th)
  • Paratroops Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 2 Field H.Q.)
    • Paratroops Brigade (414th)
  • Air Mobile Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 2 Field H.Q.)
    • Air Mobile Bridage (222nd)
  • Special Forces Corps: (1 H.Q. Command, 3 Field H.Q.)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (117th)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (123rd)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (129th)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (135th)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (141st)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (147th)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (153rd)
    • Special Forces Regiment/Group (159th)
  • Signal Corps: (1 H.Q. Command & 9 Field Signal H.Q.)
    • 18 Signal Battalions (601 to 619th)
  • Engineering Corps: (H.Q. COM. & 6 Field Engineers Command H.Q.)
    • Field Engineers Brigade (35th)
    • Field Engineers Brigade (37th)
    • Field Engineers Brigade (39th)
    • Field Engineers Brigade (41st)
    • Field Engineers Brigade (43rd)
    • Field Engineers Brigade (45th)
  • Medical Corps: (1 H.Q. Command & 9 Field Medical H.Q.) (18 Military Hospitals, 3 Hospital Ships, 4 Hospital Barges)
    • 27 Field Medical Battalions (1st to 27th)
      • 108 Field Medical Companies (201st to 308th)
  • Supply Corps: (1 H.Q. Command & 9 Field Supply H.Q.)
    • 36 Field Supply Battalions (501st to 536th)
  • Quartermasters Corps: (1 H.Q. Command & 9 Field Quartermasters H.Q.)
    • 9 Central Military depots
    • 16 Regional Mililtary depots
    • 32 Field Military depots
  • Military Police Corps: (1 H.Q. Command & 9 Field H.Q.)
    • 12 Inland MP Battalions (222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 244)
    • 12 Field MP Battalions (221, 223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243)
  • Frontier Corps (1 H.Q. Command & 5 Field H.Q.)
    • 20 Battalions: 12,000 men, mostly Bedouins, in a lightly armed paramilitary force equipped this force with remote sensors, night-vision binoculars, communications vehicles, and high-speed motorboats and responsible for:
      • Border surveillance: 10 battalions
      • General peacekeeping: 2 battalions
      • Drug interdiction: 5 battalions
      • Prevention of smuggling: 3 battalions

Order of battle

These commands include the following formations:

  • 4 Armoured Divisions (4th, 6th, 9th & 21st) 4 H.Q. Commands (4 C3 H.Q.)
    • 8 Armoured Brigades (312th, 314th, 316th, 318th, 320th, 322nd, 324th, 326th)
      • 24 Armoured Battalions (1st to 24th)
        • 80 Armoured Companies
        • 8 Command Companies
        • 8 Signal/Recon Companies
      • 8 Mechanized Battalions (1st to 8th)
        • 24 Mechanized Companies
        • 4 Command Companies
        • 4 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 4 Mechanized Brigades (512th, 516th, 520th & 524th)
      • 12 Mechanized Battalions (13th to 25th)
        • 24 Mechanized Companies
        • 4 Command Companies
        • 4 Signal/Recon Companies
      • 4 Armoured Battalions (25th to 28th)
        • 12 Armoured Companies
        • 2 Command Companies
        • 2 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 4 S/P Artillery Brigades (102nd, 104th, 106th, 108th)
    • 4 S/P Artillery Command H.Q. (Brigade level)
      • 16 S/P Artillery Battalions (36th to 51st)
        • 48 S/P Artillery Batteries
  • 8 Mechanized Infantry Divisions (2nd, 3rd, 7th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 23rd, 36th) 8 H.Q. Commands (8 C3 H.Q.) [9]
    • 16 Mechanized Brigades (712th to 727th)
      • 36 Mechanized Battalions (111th to 145th)
        • 120 Mechanized Companies
        • 12 Command Companies
        • 12 Signal/Recon Companies
      • 18 Armoured Battalions (30th to 47th)
        • 54 Armoured Companies
        • 9 Command Companies
        • 9 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 8 Armoured Brigades (10th to 17th)
      • 24 Armoured Battalions (65th to 88th)
        • 80 Armoured Companies
        • 8 Command Companies
        • 8 Signal/Recon Companies
      • 8 Mechanized Battalions (41st to 48th)
        • 24 Mechanized Companies
        • 8 Command Companies
        • 8 Recon Companies
    • 8 S/P Artillery Brigades (101st, 103rd, 105th, 107th, 109th, 111th, 113th, 115th)
      • 24 S/P Artillery Battalions (6th to 29th)
        • 96 S/P Batteries
  • 1 Republican Guard Armoured Division (1st) H.Q. Command (C3 H.Q.)
    • 2 Armoured Brigades (33rd & 35th)
      • 4 Armoured Battalions (118th, 119th, 120th, 121st)
        • 16 Armoured Companies
        • 4 Command Companies
        • 4 Signal/Recon Companies
      • 2 Mechanized Battalions (41st & 42nd)
        • 8 Mechanized Companies
        • 2 Command Companies
        • 2 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 2 Mechanized Brigades (510th & 512th)
      • 6 Mechanized Battalions (41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th, 46th)
        • 18 Mechanized Companies
        • 3 Command Companies
        • 3 Signal/Recon Companies
      • 2 Armoured Battalions (116th & 117th)
        • 6 Armoured Companies
        • 1 Command Company
        • 1 Signal/Recon Company
    • 1 S/P Artillery Brigade (10th) Command H.Q. (Brigade level)
      • 4 S/P Artillery Battalions (1st to 4th)
        • 16 S/P Artillery Batteries
  • 4 Independent Armoured Brigades (18th, 36th, 44th & 82nd)
    • 12 Armoured Battalions (77th, 78th, 79th, 80th, 81st, 82nd, 83rd, 84th, 85th, 86th, 87th, 88th)
      • 36 Armoured Companies
      • 6 Command Companies
      • 6 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 4 Mechanized Battalions (91st, 92nd, 93rd, 95th)
      • 12 Mechanized Companies
      • 2 Command Companies
      • 2 Signal/Recon Companies
  • 4 Independent Mechanized Brigades (24th, 94th, 110th, 111th [former 130th Amphibious Brigade])
    • 12 Mechanized Battalions (33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th)
      • 36 Mechanized Companies
      • 12 Com/Recon Companies
    • 4 Armoured Battalions (96th, 97th, 98th, 99th)
      • 12 Armoured Companies
      • 2 Command Companies
      • 2 Signal/Recon Companies
  • 2 Independent Infantry Brigades (218th & 219th)
    • 4 Infantry Battalions (712th, 713th, 714th, 715th)
      • 10 Infantry Companies
      • 4 Command Companies
      • 2 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 4 Mechanized Battalions (100th, 101st, 102nd, 103rd)
      • 12 Mechanized Companies
      • 2 Command Companies
      • 2 Signal/Recon Companies
    • 2 Armoured Battalions (17th & 18th)
      • 6 Armoured Companies
      • 1 Command Company
      • 1 Signal/Recon Company
  • 1 Air Mobile Brigade (222nd) (1 H.Q.)
    • 3 Air Mobile Mechanized Battalions (5th, 6th, 7th)
      • 9 Mechanized Companies
      • 1 Command Company
      • 1 Recon/Signal Company
      • 1 Air Defense Company
    • 1 Air Mobile Armored Battalion (56th)
      • 3 Air Mobile Light Armored Companies
      • 1 Air Mobile Command/Recon Company
  • 1 Airborne Brigade (414th) (1 H.Q.)
    • 3 Paratroops Battalions (224th, 225th, 226th)
      • 10 Paratroops Companies
      • 1 Paratroops Command Company
      • 1 Paratroops Recon Company
    • 1 Paratroops Mechanized Battalion (176th)
      • 3 Mechanized Companies
      • 1 Command/Recon/Signal Company
  • 8 Special Forces Regiments/Groups (Brigade level) (117th, 123rd, 129th, 135th, 141st, 147th, 153rd, 159th) (1 H.Q.) (of which 3 Lightning/Saaqa regiments and 3 Commandos regiments, the remaining 2 are the Marine Commandos and the Infiltration Anti-terror units)
    • 18 Commandos Battalions: (230th to 247th)
      • 72 Commandos Companies
    • 3 Marine Commandos Battalions (515th, 616th, 818th)
      • 12 Marine Commandos Companies
    • 3 Infiltration Anti-terror Battalions (777th, 888th, 999th)
      • 12 Infiltration Companies
  • 15 Heavy Artillery Brigades (116th to 130th) 15 S/P Artillery Command H.Q. (Brigade level)
    • 60 Artillery Battalions (314th to 373rd)
      • 240 Artillery Batteries (1st to 240th)
  • 2 Heavy Mortar Brigades (815th & 816th) 8 S/P Heavy Mortar Command H.Q. (Brigade Level)
    • 8 S/P Heavy Mortar Battalions (333rd, 334th, 335th, 336th, 337th, 339th, 340th 341st)
      • 32 S/P Heavy Mortar Batteries (1st to 32nd)
  • 6 ATGW Brigades (33rd, 44th, 55th, 66th, 77th, 88th)
  • 6 Engineering Brigades (35th, 37th, 39th, 41st, 43rd, 45th)
    • 12 Engineers Battalions (65th to 82nd)
    • 6 Field Engineers Battalions (610th to 615th)
      • 6 Construction Engineering Companies
      • 6 Demolition Engineering Companies
      • 6 Mine Clearance Engineering Companies
      • 6 Maintenance & Logistics Engineering Companies
    • 4 Field Engineering Salvage Battalions
    • 2 Field Engineering Special Operations Battalions
  • 2 Tactical SSM Brigades (1st, 2nd), comprising:

Ranks and insignia

Commissioned Officers

Commissioned Officer rank insignia of the Egyptian Army
Field Marshal Colonel General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant
(Arabic: مشير‎) (Arabic: فريق أول‎) (Arabic: فريق‎) (Arabic: لواء‎) (Arabic: عميد‎) (Arabic: عقيد‎) (Arabic: مقدم‎) (Arabic: رائد‎) (Arabic: نقيب‎) (Arabic: ملازم أول‎) (Arabic: ملازم‎)

Enlisted personnel

Warrant Officer rank insignia Non-commissioned Officer rank insignia Enlisted rank insignia
Chief Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Private
(Arabic: مساعد أول‎) (Arabic: مساعد‎) (Arabic: رقيب أول‎) (Arabic: رقيب‎) (Arabic: عريف‎) (Arabic: جندي‎)

Weapons inventory

Egypt's varied army weapons inventory complicates logistical support for the army. National policy since the 1970s has included the creation of a domestic arms industry (including the Arab Organization for Industrialization) capable of indigenous maintenance and upgrades to existing equipment, with the ultimate aim of Egyptian production of major ground systems.[10] This target was finally met with the commencement of M-1 Abrams production in 1992.[11] (Egypt had received permission to build an M-1 factory in 1984.) Prior to this, large acquisitions had included nearly 700 M-60A1 main battle tanks from the US from March 1990, as well as nearly 500 Hellfire anti-tank guided missiles.

See also


  1. ^ International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2006, p.183
  2. ^ Pollack, Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991, Council on Foreign Relations/University of Nebraska, 2002, p.14
  3. ^ John Keegan, World Armies, Second Edition, MacMillan, 1983, p.165 ISBN 9780333340790
  4. ^ a b Library of Congress Country Study, Egypt, Army, 1990
  5. ^, accessed February 2009
  6. ^
  7. ^ See also Order of Battle at, accessed August 2009
  8. ^ John Keegan, World Armies, Second Edition, MacMillan, 1983, ISBN 9780333340790
  9. ^ Historical Notes and Scenarios Booklet, Suez '73: The Battle of the Chinese Farm (boardgame), Game Designers' Workshop, 1981
  10. ^ Chris Westhorp (ed.) 'The World's Armies,' Salamander Books, 1991, 'Egypt,' p.115
  11. ^, accessed August 2009

Further reading

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