- Tallapoosa class cutter
The "Tallapoosa"-class cutters, the "Tallapoosa" and "Ossipee", were designed for long cruises. Their hulls were reinforced for light ice-breaking. During
World War II , the "Ossipee" was actually classified as a river gunboat (WPR) while the "Tallapoosa" was classified as a patrol gunboat (WPG).References
* [http://uscg.mil/history/webcutters/Ossipee_1915.html "Ossipee" (1915)] , US Coast Guard website.
*Canney, Donald L. (1995): "U.S. Coast Guard and Revenue Cutters, 1790-1935". (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press).
*Scheina, Robert L. (1982): "U.S. Coast Guard Cutters and Craft in World War II". (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press).
*U.S. Coast Guard. Public Information Division. Historical Section (1949): "The Coast Guard at War: Transports and Escorts (Vol. V)". (Washington, DC: Public Information Division, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters.
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