No Te Va Gustar

No Te Va Gustar

No Te Va Gustar, also known by its initials NTVG, is a rock band from Uruguay. The members are: Emiliano Brancciari (vocals and guitar), Guzmán Silveira (bass and backup vocals), Diego Bartaburu (drums), Gonzalo Castex (percussion), Martín Gíl (trumpet and backup vocals), Denis Ramos (trombone), Mauricio Ortiz (tenor saxophone), Marcel Curuchet (keyboards) and Pablo Coniberti (guitar).



No Te Va Gustar was formed in 1994, when most of its members were around the age of 16. The band was originally a trio made up of Emiliano Brancciari (guitar), Mateo Moreno (bass) and Pablo Abdala (drums). In 1997 the band expanded and added new styles of music to its repertoire such as reggae, candombe, salsa, ska and murga.

The band started to gain recognition in 1998 when they won the "Third Song Festival of Montevideo" and another competition organized by the Montevideo City Council Youth Commission. In 1999 the band toured various venues in Montevideo.

In July 1999, No Te Va Gustar began recording its first album titled "Sólo de noche", which they finished editing (independently) in December. During the summer of 2000 the band toured east coast of Uruguay, playing in Punta del Diablo, Valizas, Cabo Polonio, La Pedrera, La Paloma, Atlántida, El Pinar, and Solymar. In April 2000 "Sólo de noche" was officially released.

No Te Va Gustar playing a concert in Necochea, Argentina.

During 2002, the band recorded its second album titled "Éste fuerte viento que sopla" (This strong wind that blows) in Santiago, Chile. From that moment on No Te Va Gustar began solidifying its position as one of the defining groups of Uruguayan rock. Their second album went gold just six months after its release and they soon had a fully booked schedule.

In 2004 the band toured the Atlantic coast, sharing the stage with other groups such as La Zurda and Bersuit Vergarabat, one of the most popular bands at that time. The band played more and more gigs in Argentina, attracting a bigger audience with every show in cities such as La Plata, Morón, Ramos Mejía, and Lomas de Zamora.

No Te Va Gustar's third album titled "Aunque cueste ver el sol" (Even though it's hard to look at the sun) was released in 2005. The record release concert attracted an audience of 10,000 people, and the show was recorded for release on DVD later that year. In 2005 the band also did a European tour, playing dates in more than 40 cities including Munich, Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Vienna, Bern, and Madrid.

The band recorded its fourth album "Todo es tan inflamable" (Everything is so flammable) in 2006, then promoted the album in various concerts in Uruguay and Argentina. Also in 2006, group members Mateo (bass) and Pablo (drums) left the group citing personal reasons.


Sólo de noche (1999)

  1. Déjame Bailar
  2. Nada Para Ver
  3. Nadie Duerme
  4. Yrigoyen
  5. Llévame Contigo
  6. No Era Cierto
  7. Quemala
  8. Yalala la la m m
  9. La Ciudad De Los Pibes Sin Calma
  10. Viá Volvé
  11. Sólo De Día
  12. A La Villa
  13. No Se Les Da
  14. Cosa Linda

Este Fuerte Viento Que Sopla (2002)

  1. Cómo Brllaba Tu Alma
  2. Tenés Que Saltar
  3. La Única Voz
  4. Machete
  5. Te Voy A Llevar
  6. Padre De La Patria
  7. Me Cuesta Creer
  8. Clara
  9. La Soledad
  10. No Hay Dolor
  11. Te Quiero Más
  12. Mucho Más Feliz
  13. Más Mejor
  14. No Necesito Nada

Aunque Cueste Ver El Sol (2004)

  1. Sólo
  2. No Te Quiero Acá
  3. Verte Reir
  4. Ya Entendí
  5. Al Vacío
  6. Cielo De Un Solo Color
  7. Reevolución
  8. Difícil
  9. Voces Del Tiempo
  10. Fueron
  11. Voy
  12. Ni Uno Suelto
  13. No Llegás A Mí
  14. Adiós

Todo es tan inflammable (2006)

  1. En la cara
  2. Fuera de control
  3. El official
  4. Una triste melodía
  5. No lo ves
  6. Pensar
  7. Eskimal
  8. Vivir muriendo
  9. Simplemente yo
  10. Todo el día
  11. Illegal
  12. Tirano
  13. Poco
  14. De nada sirve

El Camino mas largo (2008)

  1. El camino
  2. Como si estuviera
  3. Esta plaga
  4. Tu nombre
  5. El mismo canal
  6. Niño
  7. Tan lejos
  8. Rata
  9. Solo tu boca
  10. Mirarte a los ojos
  11. Que sean dos
  12. Navegar
  13. Te quedas

Por lo menos hoy (2010)

  1. Ángel con campera
  2. Cero a la izquierda
  3. Chau
  4. Con el viento
  5. Arde
  6. Los indifferentes
  7. Volar
  8. Tu defecto es el mio
  9. Memorias del olvido
  10. Con la misma vara
  11. Nunca mas a mi lado
  12. El equilibrista

DVD MVD 05-03-05

Montevideo 05/03/05

  1. Solo
  2. Me cuesta creer
  3. No te quiero aca
  4. La unica voz
  5. Who the cup fit
  6. Nada para ver
  7. Adios
  8. No necesito nada
  9. Cosa linda-Clara
  10. Verte reir
  11. Como brillaba tu alma
  12. Al vacio
  13. Mucho mas feliz
  14. Reevolucion
  15. Te quiero mas
  16. Voces del tiempo
  17. Tenes que saltar
  18. No hay dolor
  19. Mas Mejor
  20. Te voy a llevar
  21. No era cierto
  22. Naranjo en flor [extra]
  23. Ya entendi [extra]


TAN 17-03-07

  1. De nada sirve (Emiliano Brancciari)
  2. En la cara (Emiliano Brancciari)
  3. No lo ves (Emiliano Brancciari)
  4. Eskimal (Mateo Moreno)
  5. Simplemente yo (Mateo Moreno)
  6. Vivir muriendo (Emiliano Brancciari)
  7. El official (Mateo Moreno)
  8. Una triste melodia (Emiliano Brancciari)
  9. El instrumento (Eduardo Darnauchans - Washington Benavides)
  10. Fuera de control (Emiliano Brancciari)
  11. Illegal (Emiliano Brancciari)
  12. Todo el dia (Emiliano Brancciari)
  13. Tirano (Emiliano Brancciari)
  14. Dedos (Ruben Rada)
  15. Poco (Emiliano Brancciari)
  16. Pensar (Emiliano Brancciari)

Special Edition: Solo de noche 10 años

This edition was launched in 2009 to 10 years after the release of their first album. It has two CDs, the album "Sólo de noche" and "Solo de día" where they make off different versions of the themes of "Sólo de día" and other live versions. It also has a DVD called "Unos días después"Where there is a documentary with the band and former members talking about the release of their first CD.

Sólo de día

  1. Déjame bailar (99+09)
  2. Cosa linda (99+09)
  3. Nada para ver (live)
  4. Solo de día (99+09)
  5. Nadie duerme (99+09)
  6. Yrigoyen (live)
  7. Llévame contigo (99+09)
  8. No se les da (99+09)
  9. No era cierto (live)
  10. Quémala (99+09)
  11. Yalala la la m m (99+09)
  12. Nada para ver (99+09)
  13. Nadie duerme (live)

Unos días después

01. Documental


  1. Sólo de noche
  2. Déjame bailar
  3. No era cierto
  4. Llévame contigo
  5. Buena noche, muchas gracias
  6. Llévame (el regreso)

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