Chigorin Defense

Chigorin Defense
Solid white.svg a b c d e f g h Solid white.svg
8  black rook  black king  black bishop  black queen  black king  black bishop  black knight  black rook 8
7  black pawn  black pawn  black pawn  black king  black pawn  black pawn  black pawn  black pawn 7
6  black king  black king  black knight  black king  black king  black king  black king  black king 6
5  black king  black king  black king  black pawn  black king  black king  black king  black king 5
4  black king  black king  white pawn  white pawn  black king  black king  black king  black king 4
3  black king  black king  black king  black king  black king  black king  black king  black king 3
2  white pawn  white pawn  black king  black king  white pawn  white pawn  white pawn  white pawn 2
1  white rook  white knight  white bishop  white queen  white king  white bishop  white knight  white rook 1
Solid white.svg a b c d e f g h Solid white.svg
Moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6
Named after Mikhail Chigorin
Parent Queen's Gambit

The Chigorin Defense is a chess opening named for 19th century Russian grandmaster Mikhail Chigorin. An uncommonly played defense to the Queen's Gambit, it begins with the moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6

(Chigorin has another important opening named for him that is also sometimes called the Chigorin Defense. The Chigorin Variation is a popular defense to the Ruy Lopez. See Ruy Lopez for details.)

The Chigorin Defense violates several classical principles: Black does not maintain the center pawn at d5, the c-pawn is blocked, and Black must be willing to trade a bishop for a knight. (Chigorin valued the bishop pair less than most chess masters; some say he even preferred knights to bishops in all positions.[citation needed]) In return Black gets quick development and piece pressure on the center.

Although opening assessments change as improvements are found for each side, the Chigorin seems to be playable for Black and it is useful as a surprise weapon against the Queen's Gambit. Alexander Morozevich is perhaps the only modern grandmaster who regularly plays the Chigorin Defense, although in the 1980s, Vasily Smyslov did employ the opening against Garry Kasparov. Morozevich has also published a book on the Chigorin Defence,[1] in which he gives both a theoretical and a personal view on the opening.


Main variations

The Chigorin Defense has the ECO classification D07. Because the Chigorin is an unusual defense, the theory of this opening is not as well developed as that for more popular openings.

After 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6 some of the most commonly played variations are:

Solid white.svg a b c d e f g h Solid white.svg
8 a8 black rook b8 black king c8 black king d8 black queen e8 black king f8 black bishop g8 black knight h8 black rook 8
7 a7 black pawn b7 black pawn c7 black pawn d7 black king e7 black pawn f7 black pawn g7 black pawn h7 black pawn 7
6 a6 black king b6 black king c6 black knight d6 black king e6 black king f6 black king g6 black king h6 black king 6
5 a5 black king b5 black king c5 black king d5 white pawn e5 black king f5 black king g5 black king h5 black king 5
4 a4 black king b4 black king c4 black king d4 white pawn e4 black king f4 black king g4 black king h4 black king 4
3 a3 black king b3 black king c3 black king d3 black king e3 black king f3 black bishop g3 black king h3 black king 3
2 a2 white pawn b2 white pawn c2 black king d2 black king e2 white pawn f2 white pawn g2 white pawn h2 white pawn 2
1 a1 white rook b1 white knight c1 white bishop d1 white queen e1 white king f1 white bishop g1 black king h1 white rook 1
Solid white.svg a b c d e f g h Solid white.svg
3. Nf3 Bg4 cxd5 Bxf3
Solid white.svg a b c d e f g h Solid white.svg
8 a8 black rook b8 black king c8 black bishop d8 black king e8 black king f8 black king g8 black knight h8 black rook 8
7 a7 black pawn b7 black pawn c7 black pawn d7 black king e7 black king f7 black pawn g7 black pawn h7 black pawn 7
6 a6 black king b6 black king c6 black knight d6 black king e6 black king f6 black king g6 black king h6 black king 6
5 a5 black king b5 black king c5 black king d5 black queen e5 black pawn f5 black king g5 black king h5 black king 5
4 a4 black king b4 black king c4 black king d4 white pawn e4 black king f4 black king g4 black king h4 black king 4
3 a3 black king b3 black king c3 black bishop d3 black king e3 white pawn f3 black king g3 black king h3 black king 3
2 a2 white pawn b2 white pawn c2 black king d2 white bishop e2 black king f2 white pawn g2 white pawn h2 white pawn 2
1 a1 white rook b1 black king c1 black king d1 white queen e1 white king f1 white bishop g1 white knight h1 white rook 1
Solid white.svg a b c d e f g h Solid white.svg
3. cxd5 Qxd5 4.e3 e5 5. Nc3 Bb4 6.Bd2 Bxc3
  • 3.Nc3
    • 3...Nf6 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 e5 7.d5 Nb8 or 7.Nf3 exd4.
    • 3...dxc4 (or Nf6) 4.Nf3 Nf6 (or dxc4) 5.e4 Bg4 6.Be3 e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 is a position that occurs very frequently in current practice.
  • 3.Nf3
    • 3...Bg4 4.cxd5 Bxf3
      • 5.gxf3 Qxd5 6.e3 and now Black has two very different, but proven ways of playing 6...e5 7.Nc3 Bb4 and 6...e6 7.Nc3 Qh5.
      • 5.dxc6 Bxc6 6.Nc3 and Black has now two well established options 6...Nf6 and 6...e6.
    • 3...e6 is a bad move.
  • 3.cxd5 Qxd5
    • 4.e3 e5 5.Nc3 Bb4 6.Bd2 Bxc3
      • 7.Bxc3 and now black's main moves are 7...Nf6 and 7...Qd6.
      • 7.Bxc3 has received considerable attention in recent years and 7...exd4 8.Ne2 Nf6 9.Nxd4 0-0 seems to be considered Black's most reliable choice, but the sharper 8...Bg4 is also sometimes played.
    • 4. Nf3


  1. ^ Alexander Morozevich & Vladimir Barskij, The Chigorin Defence According to Morozevich, 2007
  • Ward, Chris (2002). Unusual Queen's Gambit Declined. Everyman Chess. ISBN 1-85744-218-0. 
  • Broznik, Valeri (2001). Die Tschigorin-Verteidigung. Schachverlag Kania. ISBN 3-931192-21-0. 

Further reading

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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