

A vernissage ("varnishing", from French), also known as a "preview", "private view" or simply "opening", is the start of an art exhibition. Guests may be served canapés and wine as they discuss with artists and others the works in the exhibition. Critics and press may also be present, or invited to separate private viewings.

At official exhibitions, such as the Royal Academy summer exhibition, artists, in the past, would give a finishing touch to their works by varnishing them (J M W Turner was known for making significant changes to works on varnishing day while his fellow academicians were simply varnishing). The custom of patrons and the élite of visiting the academies during the varnishing day prior to the formal opening of the exhibition gave rise to the tradition of celebrating the completion of an art work or a series of art works with friends and sponsors. Nowadays, for commercial shows it is an opportunity to market the works on sale to buyers and critics.

There also is a comparable ceremonial ending of art exhibitions, called "finissage". Larger art exhibitions also may have such an event at half time of the exhibition ("midissage").

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  • vernissage — [ vɛrnisaʒ ] n. m. • 1837; de vernir 1 ♦ Action de vernir (un tableau, une planche de gravure, etc.), de vernisser (une poterie). 2 ♦ (1880) Jour d ouverture d une exposition de peinture (les artistes pouvaient achever d y vernir leurs tableaux) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Vernissage — Vernissage, Salon de Paris, 1866 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vernissage — Sf Eröffnung einer Ausstellung per. Wortschatz fach. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. vernissage m., zu frz. vernir firnissen , zu frz. vernis m. Firnis , dessen weitere Herkunft nicht sicher geklärt ist. Zunächst so bezeichnet als das… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • vernissage — |vèrnisságe| s. f. Inauguração de uma exposição de arte. • Plural: vernissages.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra francesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Vernissage — (franz., spr. wernißāsch , von vernis, Firnis, Lack), im Argot der Pariser Künstler Bezeichnung für den Vortrag der Eröffnung einer (Gemälde ) Ausstellung (»Firn istag«), an dem diese von besonders geladenen Gästen besucht wird (»letzte Ölung«);… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • vernissage — /vɛrni saʒ/, it. /verni s:aʒ/ s.m., fr. (propr. verniciatura , dei dipinti), in ital. invar. [cerimonia inaugurale di una mostra d arte] ▶◀ vernice. ‖ debutto. ⇑ inaugurazione …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • vernissage — /fr. vɛʀniˈsaʒ/ [vc. fr., da vernis «vernice»] s. m. inv. (di mostra) inaugurazione, vernice …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • vernissage — [ver nē sȧzh′] n. pl. vernissages [ver nēsȧzh′] [Fr, lit., varnishing (see VARNISH & AGE): in allusion to the former practice of varnishing paintings before exhibiting] the opening, or first showing, of an art exhibit …   English World dictionary

  • VERNISSAGE — n. m. Action de vernir, de vernisser. Le vernissage d’une poterie. Il se dit particulièrement en parlant des Tableaux et, par ellipse, du Jour où l’on est censé les vernir avant l’ouverture du Salon annuel, en présence d’un publie d’invités. Irez …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • Vernissage — Eröffnung einer Kunstausstellung * * * Ver|nis|sa|ge 〈[vɛrnisa:ʒə] f. 19〉 1. Eröffnung einer Ausstellung neuer Bilder eines lebenden Malers 2. 〈allg. a.〉 das Vorstellen (eines Künstlers) vor einem Publikum [zu frz. vernis „Firnis“, also die… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • vernissage —    A private showing, preview, or opening of an art exhibition an event marking the start of an exhibition. This word was used with increasing frequency in the United States in the last decade of the 20th century. Vernissage has its roots in the… …   Glossary of Art Terms

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