

company_name = Intentia
company_type = Defunct (merged into Lawson Software)
foundation = (1984)
location = Danderyd, Sweden
key_people = Romesh Wadhwani (chairman)
Bertrand Sciard (CEO)
industry = Computer software
products = ERP
revenue = SEK 2,982,900,000 SEK (2004)
homepage = []

Intentia was a software company founded in 1984 and served over 3,000 customer sites in some 40 countries around the world. It provided applications such as customer relationship management, supply chain management and asset management. Intentia was a public company traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (XSSE) under the symbol INT B.

In April 2006, Lawson Software and Intentia merged to form the new LAWSON.


Intentia was founded in 1984 by Björn Algkvist, Mikael Ageras, Göran Felldin and Rune Groppfelt. The ERP market was at the time locally fragmented with few international suppliers. During the 1980s Intentia concentrated on establishing a strong position for itself on the Swedish market.

In 1991 Intentia bought Entra Data and then proceeded to redevelop the flagship product known as Movex. During the 1990s Intentia established itself in 30 countries, first via business partners. During the latter part of the period, Intentia chose to acquire some of these business partners as well as to establish new subsidiaries.

At first the Intentia Application Suite ran just in IBM operating system, but in middle 1990s Intentia made the decision to carry out a technology shift to a new development environment based on Java, being one of the first ERP vendors to perform this transition. As a consequence of the new technology, the applications were certified on a number of additional operating systems, including Unix in the form of Sun Solaris. Nowadays Intentia maintain both RPG and Java based applications, even when the current developments and new applications are mainly based on Java.

Java based technology permitted the integration of new applications which allowed Intentia not to be considered just as an ERP vendor, but as an e-Solutions provider. BI applications such as Opportunity Analyzer, Data Warehouse applications such as BPW, and some applications such as e-sales, e-procurement or e-business solutions, have improved the system to match the technology requirements of business worldwide.

Intentia began implementing its internationalization plans at the same time that it started planning significant development projects. In order to finance these projects, Intentia stock was introduced on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 1996.

On June 2, 2005, Lawson Software, Inc. announced an agreement to combine with Stockholm, Sweden-based Intentia International AB in an all-stock transaction. Upon completion of the transaction, the company will operate under the name Lawson Software with U.S. headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, and international operations headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

External links

* [ Lawson-Intentia merge official Website]
* [ Lawson Software official website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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