Palazzo Magnani

Palazzo Magnani

Palazzo Magnani is a palace in Bologna, Italy, built by the noble family with the same name.

Construction began in 1577 under architect Domenico Tibaldi; on his death in 1583 he was replaced by Floriano Ambrosini. In 1797 the palace became a property of the Guidotti family.In the late 19th century they sold it to the Malvezzi Campeggi family whose coat of arms is still visible on the façade. Later Palazzo Magnani was inhabited by the Salem family, and it is currently the seat of the Unicredit Bank.

Among the most important artworks in the interior is the frescoed frieze of "Histories of the Foundation of Rome" executed in 1590 by the brothers Ludovico, Annibale and Agostino Carracci in the salone on the piano nobile. Also notable is the monumental chimney by Ambrosini, decorated by statues of Minerva and Mars by Gabriele Fiorini, and surmounted by the "Lupercalia" by Annibale Carracci. In the inner courtyard is a statue of "Hercules" whose face is that of Lorenzo Magnani, who had commissioned the Carraccis frieze.


*cite book|first=Carlo |last=Volpe|title=Il fregio dei Carracci e i dipinti di Palazzo Magnani in Bologna, |publisher=Litografica Bodoniana|year1972
*cite book|title=Il Credito Romagnolo fra storia, arte e tradizione|publisher= Grafis Edizioni|year=1985

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