- Rubber cis-polyprenylcistransferase
enzymology , a rubber cis-polyprenylcistransferase (EC number| is anenzyme that catalyzes thechemical reaction :poly-cis-polyprenyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate diphosphate + a poly-cis-polyprenyl diphosphate longer by one C5 unit
Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are
poly-cis-polyprenyl diphosphate andisopentenyl diphosphate , whereas its two products arediphosphate andpoly-cis-polyprenyl diphosphate longer by one C5 unit .This enzyme belongs to the family of
transferase s, specifically those transferring aryl or alkyl groups other than methyl groups. The systematic name of this enzyme class is poly-cis-polyprenyl-diphosphate:isopentenyl-diphosphate polyprenylcistransferase. Other names in common use include rubber allyltransferase, rubber transferase, isopentenyl pyrophosphate cis-1,4-polyisoprenyl transferase, cis-prenyl transferase, rubber polymerase, and rubber prenyltransferase. This enzyme participates inbiosynthesis of steroids .References
*External links
CAS registry number for this enzyme class is CAS registry|62213-41-6."Gene Ontology (GO) codes
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.