- Stealth mode
:"Note: "stealth mode" is a general term for a person, business, or thing operating with deliberate secrecy or camouflage so as to avoid detection. This article is about company behavior. For military anti-detection measures, see
stealth technology "'In business, stealth mode is a company's temporary state of secretiveness, usually undertaken in order to avoid alerting competitors to a pending product launch or other business initiative. [cite web|accessdate=2007-12-05|publisher=PC Magazine|url=http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=stealth+mode&i=56097,00.asp|title=Definition of stealth mode] cite news|url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0DTI/is_4_29/ai_73121430|accessdate=2007-12-05|publisher=Entrepreneur|title=Hush Hush - stealth product development can protect innovations|date=April, 2001|author=Mark Henricks] A stealth product is a product a company develops in secret, and a stealth company is a new company that avoids initial disclosure as to its existence, purpose, products, personnel, funding, brand name, or other important attributes.
Some companies nevertheless avoid publicity in fields that are ordinarily not secretive. Among the reasons, a small, relatively unfunded company may wish to avoid giving companies with more resources time to develop competing technologies. The very announcement that a larger or better-known company is working on a product may dampen interest in the smaller upstart. If the innovative company has no realistic means of protecting its new
intellectual property , it may seek to obtain a "first-mover advantage " by waiting until the company or its products are ready to sell before they are announced. This gives a long a lead as possible before others may copy its products, distribution channels, brand, or other business advantages. Conversely, companies with a protectable new technology may nevertheless wish to wait until they have filed or obtained apatent .tealth mode behavior
When an entire company is in stealth mode it may attempt to mislead the public about its true company goals. For example it may give code names to its pending products. It may operate a
corporate website that does not disclose its personnel or location. New companies may operate under a temporary "stealth name" that does not disclose its field of business.To enforce stealthy behavior, companies often require employees to sign
nondisclosure agreement s, and strictly control who may speak with the media.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.