

Fibroadenoma of the breast is an encapsulated benign tumor characterized by proliferation of both glandular and stromal elements.


A fibroadenoma is usually diagnosed through clinical examination, ultrasound, mammography and often a biopsy sample of the lump. Their incidence declines with increasing age, and they generally appear before the age of 30 years, probably partly as a result of normal estrogenic hormonal fluctuation. It is found most often in teenagers and the incidence is increased slightly in those taking hormonal contraception. A fibroadenoma is not commonly associated with fibrocystic breast disease and has no known links to cancer. Usually the tumor is solitary, multiple tumors accounting for 10-15% of all fibroadenoma cases. The tumor is not fixed to the adjacent skin, muscle, or lymph nodes, so they are mobile within the breast on palpation. It is commonly found immediately adjacent to the areola, though rarely directly behind the nipple. The tumours are slightly more common on the left breast than on the right, possibly for reasons associated with blood flow or arm and shoulder activity, most people being right-handed.

Some malignant breast tumors can be mistaken for a fibroadenoma, so it is important for them to be diagnosed by a doctor. On average, when the diagnostic pathway has been completed, about 5% of these lumps are diagnosed a malignant tumour, and not as a fibroadenoma.


;MacroscopicallyThe tumor is round or ovoid, elastic, nodular, and has a well demarcated capsule; on cut surface it is grey-white.;MicroscopicallyThe epithelial proliferation describes duct-like spaces surrounded by a fibroblastic stroma. The proliferated epithelium is typical. Depending on the amount and the relationship between these two components, there are two main histological features: intracanalicular and pericanalicular. Often, both types are found in the same tumor. Intracanalicular fibroadenoma: stromal proliferation predominates and compresses the ducts, which are irregular, reduced to slits. Pericanalicular fibroadenoma: fibrous stroma proliferates around the ductal spaces, so that they remain round or oval, on cross section. The basement membranes is intact.cite web |url= |title=Fibroadenoma of the breast |accessdate=2007-12-15 |format= |work=]


A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor and sometimes surgery is not needed when the diagnosis is certain especially in a younger woman. When the diagnosis is in doubt, and particularly in older women the tumor is generally surgically removed. Larger fibroadenomas are generally also removed. No medications are used for the treatment of fibroadenoma.

Video on Fibroadenoma

* [ Fibroadenoma Video]

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*humpath [ #10006] (Pathology images)
* [ Atlas of Pathology] (Pathology images)

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